Blue Peter naming scandal

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Much is being made of the fact that BBC ignored the result of their viewers vote which decided to call the pussy, "Cookie." Is this because in some circles, cookie is a vulgar name for a pussy? Are there any experts out there who know the answer?

(Sits back and waits for Trustysteed to pop up. xx()


Is it? (Scratches head)


Über Member
I'm sure I heard somewhere that just before the show someone had changed the name to 'Pussy' (they got fired afterwards) and therefore they went with Socks. Not sure if this is corrct though ...
I am doing a reading at my brother's wedding in December. He was going to ask me to read 'The owl and the pussycat' and then realisd that I probably couldn't get through the line 'oh pussy oh pussy oh pussy my love, what a wonderful pussy you are' without collapsing in fits of laughter...

He'd be right too...
Cycling Naturalist
Kirstie said:
I am doing a reading at my brother's wedding in December. He was going to ask me to read 'The owl and the pussycat' and then realisd that I probably couldn't get through the line 'oh pussy oh pussy oh pussy my love, what a wonderful pussy you are' without collapsing in fits of laughter...

He'd be right too...

About the laughter? xx(
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