Book Exchange: From Lance to Landis (David Walsh)

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John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Thanks to Chuffy, who was kind enough to loan me this from the library at Chuff Towers, this book is available to the person whose name I pull from my Francaise Des Jeux race cap on Sunday.

To get your name in the cap, just post in the thread, and I shall add you to the draw. Post before 5pm Sunday if you want to be in with a chance!
Me please.


John the Monkey said:
Thanks chuffy, I was going to PM you about whether that was the form or not :smile:
Well I think it is! I rather like the idea of the CC Floating Library being signed. It adds a little extra layer of reality to this online community. :laugh:


Über Member
Yes Please.
John the Monkey

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Yanto said:

Hi Yanto, and everyone - a small family emergency intervened - I'm hoping to do the drawing this evening - names are printed out, just need to cut the paper slips and pop them in the hat...
John the Monkey

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Nothing Major, Yanto, plumbing and joinery that was more complicated than expected on Sunday, and the missus developing some kind of vile flu type thing on Sunday night that put me in the role of emergency child care provider.

Anyhoo, the name out of the hat (used my Quick-Step cap in honour of their early lead in the UCI rankings[1]) was...


PM me your details, and I'll get the book parcelled up and on it's way.

[1] And not at all because my FDJ cap has gone walkies, oh no.
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