Brailsford Targeted

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New Member
The man behind Britain's unprecedented cycling success in Beijing has told the BBC he has been approached by other countries to work for them at 2012.
But British Cycling performance director Dave Brailsford says national pride would not allow him to swap sides, whatever the money.
"Yes, I've had offers while I've been here," Brailsford said on Sunday. "But with the London Games in 2012, it would be crazy to go. This is the greatest job in the world."
So he will be going within twelve months then?


God knows
He will be remunerated appropriately by 'UK' Limited - in order that a few golds are 'in the bank' come 2012 - then it will be time for him to consider 'career development'.

Well done - the results support your philosophy Mr Brailsford. Like anyone else I suppose - money talks.


Started young, and still going.
He is not connected to that game were contracts and loyalty are unknown, namely Football. Dave Brailsford is a man of integrity and will stay with the GB cyclists. He has much to show the other teams within team GB, he is too precious to lose.


nothing in moderation
just seen him interviewed. he said:

a) he wouldn't be interested in any other sport
:blush: he wouldn't ever consider working for another country at the 2012 olympics.

i suppose he could get pinched by a pro tour team, but i think he'll stay with it.

if they paid him £2m a year it would not be enough imho.

Mr Pig

New Member
Dayvo said:
Yes, but Dave Brailsford seems to be a man of integrity and morals!

And you, Mr Pig? :blush: :blush:

None at all! :0)

Let's face it. If you worked for a British oil company and an Australian oil company offered you bags of money and a nice house to go and work for them you wouldn't say 'Oh, sorry but I only want to work for a British oil company'. People move for work all the time.

And don't kid yourself that sport is different, it's just work. Athletes are doing it for gain. For glory, money, prestige, but it's 'for' something. Just as the rest of us go to work 'for' money.

If a good employee leaves a company to join a competitor it'll piss off people in the company he's leaving. Because of the following sport has you'll piss off more people but it's the same thing.


New Member
Mr Pig said:
Let's face it. If you worked for a British oil company and an Australian oil company offered you bags of money and a nice house to go and work for them you wouldn't say 'Oh, sorry but I only want to work for a British oil company'. People move for work all the time.

I think you meant to type money here.

Not everyone is motivated purely by money, thankfully.

The ones that I have known that are have been complete cocks.

Mr Pig

New Member
Jaded said:
Not everyone is motivated purely by money, thankfully.

Yes but greed for glory is still greed, just that the object of the greed is different. A person doesn't 'need' to be first in a race any more than a person 'needs' to acquire more wealth above a certain level. Need has been taken over by want.
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