Brooks Saddle

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New Member
Hi Forum Folk,

Am new to this but thought I would try it out and ask a question as my first post.

Which Brooks saddle is best suited for audax events? I mostly ride 200k events, but am looking to enter longer events next year.


Doo :smile:

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Hi Doo, and welcome to the forum.

Your question may as well be "how long is a piece of string?" The best saddle for you is the one which is most comfortable. FWIW, my choice of Brooks is a standard B17 which I find amazingly suited to long distances. However, there are other members of this wondrous organ who will say they are excruciating. Rear end shape is so individual. The best I can say is to try one, and if it is found lacking, sell it on. There is always a good market for used Brooks saddles.


New Member
Thanks Gerry.

I have been considering a Brooks saddle for a while now, but the choice is huge. I emailed Brooks direct and they suggested a team pro for my type of riding, but heard others saying that option was real stiff. The B17 always appeared a good option, but the swift looks great...
Maybe I'll buy a used B17 and try one out that way?!

Cheers, Doo :smile:


The B17 (and B15) is the only saddle I've ever found comfortable for use all day, but beware, there are people who find them excruciatingly uncomfortable and you could be one of them.

If you buy one and find it doesn't suit you you can always sell it again - I've seen them on ebay, with bids, for more than you can buy them for online!


New Member
I've ridden on a B17 Std, a B17 narrow ( Dawes Giro 500 ) a Team Pro ( Pug ) and a Swift.

I had a ride on a friend's bike with a Colt. Now no wonder they started making it again. Wow, a feather bed.


Squat Member
But out of the select you have ridden on jimbo which is recommended for a road bike for say long training rides/sportives upto 100 miles?

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
The Swift is a different shape, which I couldn't get on with. I have 3 Professionals which suit me. The B17 doesn't look too bad, and there's the new version with the slot to relieve perineal pressure (Imperial).


The B17 doesn't look too bad, and there's the new version with the slot to relieve perineal pressure (Imperial).

Which is the Brooks I have.

I wouldn't say it's comfortable per se as I don't think there is a saddle made that doesn't require you to move a little after a couple of hours! But it is the least uncomfortable (if I can phrase it like that!) of all the saddles I ride. Suffice to say, I can ride further on it than the others before the need to move (and alleviate some numbness or ache) kicks in. And I've never suffered after a ride with it. As good as it gets methinks.

I would like to try the (wider) standard B17 out of interest but I don't have the kind of money (or time) to conduct such experiments. I'll stick with the Imperial until it dies I reckon.


Well-Known Member
As a very rough rule of thumb, if you have your bars up near the level of your saddle go with a B17 standard. If you have a racier set up with more of a drop between saddle and bars go with a B17n or team pro. As I said very rough rule of thumb.


I had a B17 and was in pain - though I didn't last long enough with it to break it in. I now have a B17 Flyer and was fine from the start - not comfy but certainly no less comfy than other new saddles I've tried, and now that it's breaking in a bit it's lovely. No idea if it is the springs or a better piece of leather, but I'm planning on using it for LEJOG next summer....


Squat Member
Agreed Rich, I never knew they had this Imperial out..
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