Brussels to London Charity Ride

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Leo Matlock

New Member
Hi all

There is a fantastic bike ride taking place in July from Brussels to London.

The adventure will start with a day in Brussels where we will watch the finish of the second stage of the Tour De France aand then the next day begin our 3 day cycle back to London - its gonna be great.

It has been organised by Right To Play, an international charity that uses sport and play to improve the lives of 700,000 children around the world each week.

If we get a group of 5 together then discounts are available so lets see if we can!
Here is the website for more info,

jay clock

Massive member
I do not support these rides. The sponsorship money is paying for a holiday. Why don't you do something like this under your own steam and raise money for charity where ALL the money goes to it

Leo Matlock

New Member
Sorry I didn't know which forum section to put it in. Is there a more appropriate section?

I understand your concerns about organised cycle rides, but we have tried our hardest for the maximum amount of money possible to go to the children we work with - not the admin etc. We are hoping to get 300 cyclists to take part who, together, will raise enough to allow hundreds more children to take part in our programmes and have their lives changed. It is fantastic when people take it upon themselves to organise a ride for themselves or a few friends to do in aid of charity however not all cyclists have the know-how or confidence to organise it for themselves, so by doing this we are hoping to get as many people as we can to take part and thus raise more awareness and funds about and for Right To Play.

I am Spartacus

Über Member
Where you post is 1 of those things that people on forums like... as you may see there is a sub forum in this section for sponsored / charity rides.
Personally, you are very welcome to get your gig known... but you would probably get a positive response if you continued to use this forum as a cycling enthusiast and not just hop off.
I dont mean by just bumping your particular event but by engaging on the subject of cycling..

jay clock

Massive member
engaging on the subject of cycling..
agreed. why not put a few posts up about your love of cycling, training questions etc. A simple one off posting advertising your ride is not going to get much engagement.

Sorry I didn't know which forum section to put it in. Is there a more appropriate section?
I am sure if you contact the admin he will move it.


pre-talced and mighty
"The Right To Play Coaches need to be confident advocates of HIV prevention. This field visit was an essential part of their skills-building training. I am positive this experience has made them more knowledgeable and compassionate

can't argue with that...

Leo Matlock

New Member
Hi guys

well in all honesty I was not a cycling enthusiast so didn't have much reason to be on these kind of forums.

but since I have been involved with helping to organise this ride I am getting more and more interested in it and will soon be venturing further than my cycle ride commute on a crappy dual suspension 'leading high street bike shop' bike. So you may well see me getting more and more involved in the forum as my interest develops (be careful what you wish for :becool: )

Leo Matlock

New Member
---Just Announced---

Riders who take part in this ride will get a chance to meet riders from Team HTC Columbia in Brussels.
One lucky rider will also win a signed bike used by Mark Cavendish in the 2009 Tour de France

for more details email or click here


Well-Known Member
Leo, don't be discouraged by the response. It takes all sorts, as they say...
You haven't come onto the forum criticising or expressing extreme opinions.

I've had the same argument in the pub about sponsorship money paying for a holiday and it went on all night and on the next visit to the pub because its way more complex. Things got very heated on both sides and its a debate for a thread all on its own imo.

Hopefully people will see the genuine intention and everyone can make up their own mind by reading up on the pros and cons of organised sponsorship.
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