Building muscle

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Joshua Plumtree

Approaching perfection from a distance.
Things take a bit longer as you get older, Mr Grumpy, and you also seem to need more recovery time between efforts. At least I do!
Sometimes, after a really hard session, I know I'll need at least 2 days to recover. Frustrating, but that's just how it is when you're 54!

And, at the risk of being humiliated by Robert, surely the Holy Grail for those of us wanting to go faster is to be able to push a high gear with a high cadence, and to be able to sustain that effort for the length of time required

How you get there's another matter, but all this stuff about pedalling style and knee damage seems irrelevant.


Legendary Member
@Heifer73 How about swimming a couple of times a week, good for toning flabby bits and fitness? 30-45 minutes front crawl should help or fast breast stroke (assuming your knees and back are in good order). Unfortunately we women do suffer with these especially as we get older so you may be fighting a losing battle unless you fancy plastic surgery
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