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Senior Member
Why is cadence important or what makes a higher cadence more affective?

I go to spin classes (although I've stopped at the moment) and we work a lot with cadence

The reason I ask is I can ride for longer at a lower cadence, I'm talking high gear pedeling slower and cruising at a decent speed

I tried on my last ride to ride in a lower gear with higher cadence, I burnt out a lot quicker and became uncomfortable a lot sooner, I found that I was consentrating so much on spinning fast that I wasn't consentrating on anything else

I would like to (eventually) get an all singing and dancing garmin or mio and work with cedence and heart rate

Have I got this wrong, should I be in the same high gear that I cruise along in but be pedaling faster so my speed will be even greater but if that's the case i would probably burn our within 10 miles

So why is a higher cadence better than a lower one???


Well-Known Member
Why is cadence important or what makes a higher cadence more affective?

I go to spin classes (although I've stopped at the moment) and we work a lot with cadence

The reason I ask is I can ride for longer at a lower cadence, I'm talking high gear pedeling slower and cruising at a decent speed

I tried on my last ride to ride in a lower gear with higher cadence, I burnt out a lot quicker and became uncomfortable a lot sooner, I found that I was consentrating so much on spinning fast that I wasn't consentrating on anything else

I would like to (eventually) get an all singing and dancing garmin or mio and work with cedence and heart rate

Have I got this wrong, should I be in the same high gear that I cruise along in but be pedaling faster so my speed will be even greater but if that's the case i would probably burn our within 10 miles

So why is a higher cadence better than a lower one???
Hi Jason

I posted an article on this the other day and a lot of people have checked it out. It is a lengthy article but there is sub titles to help. So grab a coffee and have fun reading.


Senior Member
I used to be a gear masher, i.e. High gear low revs but when I got back into cycling and the GPS logging side had really taken off I bought a speed/cadence sensor to go with my computer.

I read some articles about slow twitch and fast twitch fibres and over the course of a month I trained consistently at 80-95 rpm, selecting the gear to maintain the leg speed. It felt weird and odd but I stuck with it.

I now find spinning gears to be perfectly comfortable and I have even drifted a bit higher, spinning at 90-100 most of the time. Gear mashing feels so alien to me now and it feels like it drains my strength.

The way I understand it (but might be wrong) is that you have an abundance of the fibres that allow you to spin and not so many that allow you to mash, so really you want to be saving those for when you really need them, such as a particularly steep section. On the flat and regular inclines, spinning draws on your abundant stocks and then tough sections get the lower cadence work, usually when I run out of gears to spin!

I find the effect to be that my stamina is vastly increased and my core strength has benefit too, I guess from less time out of the saddle on less steep hills.

All this said, everyone's bodies and styles are different and what's proven to be right for me might not be for you.




Man or Moose!
Why is cadence important or what makes a higher cadence more affective?

I go to spin classes (although I've stopped at the moment) and we work a lot with cadence

The reason I ask is I can ride for longer at a lower cadence, I'm talking high gear pedeling slower and cruising at a decent speed

I tried on my last ride to ride in a lower gear with higher cadence, I burnt out a lot quicker and became uncomfortable a lot sooner, I found that I was consentrating so much on spinning fast that I wasn't consentrating on anything else

I would like to (eventually) get an all singing and dancing garmin or mio and work with cedence and heart rate

Have I got this wrong, should I be in the same high gear that I cruise along in but be pedaling faster so my speed will be even greater but if that's the case i would probably burn our within 10 miles

So why is a higher cadence better than a lower one???

It isnt!


Man or Moose!
Cadence is only really of general interest unless you are training it for a specific reason. As you get fitter or as you ride more, you will tend toward a naturally selected cadence which is efficient.


Generally a low cadence will lead to quicker muscle fatique and a high cadence puts more stress on your cardio fitness.

As to what is best for you it depends a bit on what you are defining as a low or high cadence - if for example you average something like 50rpm then that is too low even if it feels natural, on the other hand if it is something like 70rpm then it is not really something that needs addressed if you feel comfortable with it.
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