Can you fit a cycle rack to a Ferrari?

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New Member
Went to a track day at Prestwold Hall yesterday. Got to drive a Ferrari Spyder at what seemed like very great speed in very wet conditions. The instructors must have nerves of steel. Imagine my joy when the video camera packed up on my first run and they let me have a second go for free to capture the event on DVD! You sure know that your blood is pumping when you hit the long straight. Anyone here into fast cars? :biggrin:


Legendary Member


and it's a definite improvement IMO... :biggrin:


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
I was once given a ride in an AC Cobra, we passed a Ferrari Boxer, had it not been for the fact that we were going down the back strait at Donnington I would thought the Ferrari stationary, and the driver of the Cobra was "taking it easy" because the neighbours had complained about the noise (it wasn’t supposed to be a noisy day). As the Americans put it there ain’t no substitute for cubic inches...
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