canal towpath query

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Active Member
I have noticed that on some sections of tow paths they have a small sign which says "path unsuitable for cyclists" does this mean you cannot cycle or you can cycle on that section? i have seen cyclists on these sections indeed on a section i use near bingley there is a sign but everyone still rides!


Growing older but not up...
I suspect it's more of a disclaimer so that you can't try and sue them if you fall off and end up in the canal - their response would be 'well we told you it wasn't suitable.' I've covered a fair few miles on towpaths and have never had anyone tell me that I shouldn't be doing it but I do try to be very careful and courteous to other users. (Especially after I rode into an aqueduct!)


Legendary Member
You can download a free permit to ride canal paths. Not sure if it covers the whole UK....I have just tried to find mine but I must have put it somewhere so obvious that..............:blush:


There are sections of canal path which can be legally closed to cyclists for a variety of reasons.

The most obvious reason is probably alongside bridges and tunnels but there are also some canals which fell into disrepair and were closed down with the adjoining land sold to private hands. When the canals were re-opened, the land remained private and cyclists remain banned. There's a section of the Kennet & Avon and the Wey Navigation like that, and I'm sure a load more besides.
There are sections of canal path which can be legally closed to cyclists for a variety of reasons.

The most obvious reason is probably alongside bridges and tunnels but there are also some canals which fell into disrepair and were closed down with the adjoining land sold to private hands. When the canals were re-opened, the land remained private and cyclists remain banned. There's a section of the Kennet & Avon and the Wey Navigation like that, and I'm sure a load more besides.

We are doing this on a canal boat in a couple of weeks!
Kennet and Avon
Bathampton to Bath, turn round and then see how far we get

The beauty of it is having no real plan!


It looks like British Waterways are trying to crack down on cyclists in certain places. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more of this even though they are trying to encourage more people out on to the tow paths. :wacko:


Kennet and Avon
Bathampton to Bath, turn round and then see how far we get
Bathampton to Bath is about 2 miles! :ohmy: I reckon there's more to your route than that. I know (from the Isle of Wight reports) that you can cover a lot more miles than I do.

I don't know that end of it. I usually get FGW through to Great Bedwyn then ride through almost to Pewsey before heading back to Windsor. Nice ride, I generally get in about 70 miles, depending on exact route.


Oaf on a Bike
Apparently the tow path along the canal the length of MK is all no-cycling. Theres an alternate shared-use path literally 3 metres to the side for nearly all of it, although i still see people cycling along the actual tow path, i guess its more scenic. Strangely theres also one of those weird gates with a bike shaped hole in it to let cyclists through.
Hmmm, something to think the name suggests towpaths - these were originally there for horses to tow the butties so by my reckoning they are actually bridlepaths?? even tho they arnt classifield as such. Ive spoken to BWB in the past and they didnt have a problem with bikes as long as like the other person said u have respect for other users, after all we should keep the upper hand on miserable walkers who want the land for themselves :0)


after all we should keep the upper hand on miserable walkers who want the land for themselves :0)
Not sure that's the best approach!
There might also be some anglers to consider, who could have rods/poles across the path. I'va always found them fairly amenable though.


Another reason that approach is a fail is, as I said previously, that some canals and paths were sold when they fell into disrepair. They might have been used for towing in a former life but it is possible that the access rights have changed over time.


Active Member
I,ve tried emailing the british waterways twice but had no reply.I have just read though that the canals and rivers are controlled now by a new trust is this right?


Its just a renaming/rebranding of British Waterways really. Its now called the Canal and River Trust and will be ran as a charity. Which means they are after money and might see cyclists as a possible source of income.
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