carradice nelson longflap

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Does anybody have a Carradice Nelson Longflap, I have been thinking of getting one, the fitting seems a bit of a mystery though - I have a rack so the bag should be able to sit on that but my saddle does not have loops - can it be bodged with cable ties? Don't really want to spend £20 on a support or £50 for a brooks!


Über Member
Leith, Edinburgh
I have same problem. Have just ordered a Nelson (sans longflap) from ebay. Waiting for delivery and will attempt to bodge 'loops' from cable ties to attach to saddle. when it arrives. Failing that I'll be ordering £12 clamp from SJS. Looks like a future proof solution, and will probably look better too.

I think these saddlebags are basically 3 point fitting, i.e. 2 loops on saddle to attach top of bag, and 1 strap attaching 'rear' of bag to to seatpost. Or at least it used to be that way when I wer' a lad.


Spa Cycles-went there two weeks ago.With the same problem my mate is borrowing my Nelson bag.
But he has no eyelets on his saddle.
Answer £24 Carradice sqr uplift.
Brilliant but at a cost.It should last forever.


postman said:
Spa Cycles-went there two weeks ago.With the same problem my mate is borrowing my Nelson bag.
But he has no eyelets on his saddle.
Answer £24 Carradice sqr uplift.
Brilliant but at a cost.It should last forever.

I used to have my Barley looped through my Brooks, but it was a pain in the arse if I wanted to take it off so limited its use. I got the SQR system (and an extra block for the other bike) and it is one of my best buys. Saddle bag off and on in seconds, don't bother to use my pannier bag for commuting anymore as I can get all my stuff in the Barley.


Banned member
South West
You can simply put the toe straps through the rails of your saddle - it's not perfect but it works. As for just sitting it on your rack; you need to have your saddle at just the correct height for this to work and you'll find it'll swing about abit if you ride out of the saddle (eg. up hills) My Nelson long flap went mouldy after it got wet a few times and lived in the shed so now I use ortleib panniers and they are far better.

No 'swinging' issues, more space and don't go mouldy no matter how many times you get them wet and leave them in the shed! Thumbs down to old saddlebags. Get some panniers.


Ive ordered a barley instead -I found a bit of info online regarding fiting by bolting a dowel to the saddle - i will attemp to fit and post a picture. Just waiting for it to arrive!


Über Member
Leith, Edinburgh
Further to my post last month, I did try to cable tie a short length of aluminium tube to my saddle and attach my Carradice Nelson, but wasn't happy with the result (mainly the tube gradually slipping underneath the saddle, plus the aesthetics). Like Postman, I went to Spa Cycles in the end, and bought Carradice SQR clamp - £25. Very happy with it, especially the quick releasability. I'd forgotten how much saddlebags swing though, but for a road bike, without a rack, I think its the best option (not a fan of bar bags).

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Happy SQR owner here on both Barley and Nelson Longflap on a TCR. Fab!


Legendary Member
top-tube said:
I'd forgotten how much saddlebags swing though
Did you fasten the buckles inside the saddlebag?
The amount of swing is directly related to the tightness of your attachment point, and you can get the straps much shorter with the buckle inside and just a small loop on the outside.
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