Cassette/chain query

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Well-Known Member
Sorry another trying to fix up an old MBT i purchased recently, and my bike maintenance book doesn't appear to cater for bikes more than about 10 years old.... Plus i know pretty much jack about bike maintenance so am doing a bit of a 'working it out as i go along' job.

I can't get the locknut off the rear hub to then get the axle out and the cassette off - it's well and truly jammed. Will WD40 do the trick or can i just clean the cassette on the wheel? I'd actually quite like to replace the cassette, but need a 5 speed one (bike is 10 speed so two chainrings on the front) and they seem to be like hen's teeth these days....

So...ten speed chain....why are they different from other chains?? I don't quite get it length? or width? 'Cos again, 10 speed chains seem to be tricky to get hold of too.

And maintenance book has a selection of gears represented on the 'replacing gear cables' page, but not mine..... I have some of those old black plastic shimano gear shifters (so old I can't even find a pic of them....) where you have to take the whole thing apart to get to the cable...but I don't know how. I've gotten halfway in, but can't work out the rest of it. Is it a case of not taking it apart and just feeding the gear cable through it and then leaving it at that?


there's a locknut removal thing that fits to the locknut and gives you something to put a big spanner on, it might be reeely tight, it's might be specific to the casette

ten speed chain is for a ten speed cassette, so modern, there's eleven speed now, they get narrower, a five speedc assette will take a normal chain I assume, 5 speed cassette must be ancient, you might struggle to find another

I'd hope you'd be able to thread new cables through

I know less than you I'll add at this point, post a picture of relevant parts for the chaps that do, bike model and make will help too


I can't get the locknut off the rear hub to then get the axle out and the cassette off - it's well and truly jammed. Will WD40 do the trick or can i just clean the cassette on the wheel?
I would clean it with paraffin on a cheap paintbrush, you will get all the crud off. Of course this won't replace it if worn...

Cleaning stuff with WD is convenient but costly, WD is basically 80% naptha (petrol) and 20% thin oil so you can do as good a job with petrol or, more safely, paraffin. have to take the whole thing apart to get to the cable...but I don't know how. I've gotten halfway in, but can't work out the rest of it. Is it a case of not taking it apart and just feeding the gear cable through it and then leaving it at that?
So don't take it apart. I'd just slide out the old one and slide in a new one. Slather the thing in grease as you put it in the outer, it will keep the cable corrosion free. This trick has preserved my MTB turned commuter and pub bike cables for 15 years.


Bionic Subsonic
Not sure about the shifters, but with the others: -

Freewheel: -

The bike will have a freewheel if it's a 5-speed. I would suggest looking at this page here which goes into some detail about what types exist and what tool is needed to remove them. Hopefully this is one of the 12 spline one's as they are the easiest to find. YI found the only way to get the freewheel of my hybrid a while ago was to put an adjustable hammer onto the extractor tool and bash it with a wooden mallet until it gave in. Others clamp it in a vice and spin the wheel.


The chain should be the same width as a 7 speed chain (many are sold as 5/6/7 speed chains) so that shouldn't be difficult to get hold of.

Good luck :biggrin:


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
5 speed back end is definitely a freewheel, and they're a bugger to get off.
If you haven't got the tool and a bench vice, I'd bite the bullet and take it to the bike shop.
5 speed blocks are not impossible to get, my LBS has them, and they do mail order.
Usual disclaimer - no connection other than as a long-term customer.
5/6/7 speed chains are not too tricky to source either - Asda do 'em for £4.99 and they're perfectly OK.
It's just the number of cogs at the back that chains worry about, so a 5 speed chain will fit any bike with 5 cogs at the back which could be a 5, 10 or 15 speed bike.

Are you going to post photos when the rebuild is complete?


Well-Known Member
Oooo... thanks for all the replies - I'd have bought the wrong type of chain..... there was me thinking ten speed chain was for ten gears (2x chainrings, 5x cogs on the cassette).....but appears to be for ten cogs at the back. Told you I know nothing about this. Least I can get the right one now!!

It is a freewheel hub at the back, and I don't have a bench vice or the correct tool, so am going to leave the cassette it as it is. The teeth on the cogs aren't worn, the whole cassette is kinda dirty/rusty, so I'll give it a go with the old scotchbrite pad and see. Weirdly enough the wheel hub looks like it was replaced new yesterday.

I shall certainly post pics..... might stick one up soon so you can see the state it's in at the moment!


Well-Known Member

Here it is in present state. Pic was taken in rather dark garage - not the best pic, sorry.


New Member
Beside the road
The freewheel will probably be on VERY tightly and it will be very difficult to remove. It's one of those job you can do at home but it's highly likely to be such a pain it's arguably worth paying £5/£10 for the LBS to do it for you.
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