Cataract op and Cycling

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Legendary Member
Quick update: both eyes done. First on 5th April straight forward, an interesting experience but no issues, no real discomfort after. Second, on 25 April, a bit more complicated, ruptures capsule and so more fiddling around than for the first eye. Not a great experience, I will spare you the details but could have been, much, worse.

Most importantly, I can see again! By the time I had the operation vision had been deteriorating, and on sunny days in particular it was largely a hazy blur. Now I am good at a distance, can read at arms length and have temporary reading glasses.

I’m in next week for a tidy up on the left eye. Then three weeks after that there will be a full eye test to see what I ended up with in terms of sight. Will need reading glasses as this was the plan, will have to check on distance and see how that is as they ended up using an off the shelf lens for the left eye rather than the specific one they had intended.

Not been out on the bike yet, not because I cannot see but because of Dr’s recommendations concerning exercise. Will however be back on the e excise bike if I get the okay next week
I’m in next week for a tidy up on the left eye. Then three weeks after that there will be a full eye test to see what I ended up with in terms of sight.
I found that my vision was changing - slowly - for a full six months after surgery; everyone is different of course, but what you end up with after a couple of months is not necessarily the 'be all and end all'.

The worse your vision originally - and the more issues or complications in the surgery itself - the longer the eye takes to 'settle' even after full healing appears complete, and the more likely there is to be some instability in the level of vision, is what my (very experienced) optometrist told me when I last visited.

This has certainly proven true for me. My left eye (complex cataract but no real issues during surgery) is stable; my right eye (more issues and a problem during surgery) decided to start to become a little unstable a year or so after surgery, and the eyesight in that eye has deteriorated considerably from the 3-month post-surgery tests - although not to the extent that I can't manage perfectly well without glasses most of the time.
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