Caterer sues police over sausages

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Über Member
Political Correctness goes mad again.

Mr Pig

New Member
mondobongo said:
Political Correctness goes mad again.

It is, total stupidity. I would just tell him that it was his job and if he didn't want to do it I'd get someone else. It's like going for a job as a gardener and saying that you don't want to get your hands dirty.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
It's simply a matter of somebody having the "courage" to say that the job inevitably involves handling pork (in whatever form) and therefore applicants must consider if they are suited to the job. It is not discrimination as pork is not being put on the menu specifically to upset this bloke. If current laws lead to the idea that the job must be changed to suit the applicant, then the laws are clearly wrong and need amending.


Legendary Member
Let us turn this around.You go for a job in the Police in a Muslim country.Ask the canteen staff for a bacon sandwich.Could we sue.? I don't think so.Let us stop all this crap.This is GREAT BRITAIN.We have heritage we have rules,we are an easy people to get along with.All we ask is join in with our values.We are not a small part of whatever country you came from or your parents or their parents.You all came here to live and work.So respect us and our ways.


Rare Migrant
marinyork said:
If he doesn't like Pigs, he's in the wrong job. As for the sausages ... :smile:.

You owe me a new keyboard!


Tharg2007 said:
I thought the issue was consuming pork not handling it?
That is correct. Although it may trouble his conscience to be handling pork, that in itself is not an issue from a religious perspective. If he can't reach a workaround solution with his employer and he feels sufficiently aggrieved, I don't think he should be doing the job.


A Velocipedian

I am a vegetarian and yet when I worked as a home carer I had to prepare meals that contained meat. My only concern was that as it was not a food item I cooked on a regular basis I may under or over cook it. I wasn't expected to eat the meat and so I had no right to complain.

Maz said:
That is correct. Although it may trouble his conscience to be handling pork, that in itself is not an issue from a religious perspective. If he can't reach a workaround solution with his employer and he feels sufficiently aggrieved, I don't think he should be doing the job.
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