Celeriac and Kale?

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Legendary Member
Cookery advice needed please.

I'm cooking for 6, I've got an oxtail casserole in the oven, I'm planning on doing it with carrots, broccoli, sweet potato mash, yorkshire puddings and have got back from the shop with the aforementioned veg.

Any ideas what to do with the celeriac? I think the kale is suitable for steaming with the broccoli and carrots? Unless someone can advise differently.

Thanks in advance.
Leave the celeriac out - it's horrible!!!! :evil:


Formerly known as djtheglove
My better half uses Celeriac, She mashes it in with potatoes, it gives an interesting flavour.

I don't think Sweet Potatos would go with it though.

Kale is a brassica crop treat it like cabbage, and leave it on the side. it has a nice healthy flavour though.


Senior Member
Each to their own I think the sweet potato will go well with it but I think celeriac is a very acquired taste so probably wouldn't do it for guests. However if you insist mostly I;ve used it in soup or salads and can't think of anything off the top of my head. If you mix it with another vegetable ie root mash, and people don't like it you;ve narrowed their options. I would boil rather than steam kale I like it well cooked - nice with a bit of mint sauce!

Sounds yum din dins


longers said:
Cookery advice needed please.

I'm cooking for 6, I've got an oxtail casserole in the oven, I'm planning on doing it with carrots, broccoli, sweet potato mash, yorkshire puddings and have got back from the shop with the aforementioned veg.

Any ideas what to do with the celeriac? I think the kale is suitable for steaming with the broccoli and carrots? Unless someone can advise differently.

Thanks in advance.
fry it in butter (like you would an aubergine), but say it was fried in olive oil (there's bound to be at least one person on a diet, or claims to be).
I'd bung the celeriac in the casserole. I am a bit odd though as I can't stand celery but quite like celeriac. Maybe its the texture.
As posted before - steam the kale.

I have a big enough cast iron casserole that it will feed 4 of us for 2 days when full. Including a 6' teenager.


Well-Known Member
djtheglove said:
Kale is a brassica crop treat it like cabbage, and leave it on the side. it has a nice healthy flavour though.

'A nice healthy flavour' is a useful euphemism for 'tastes awful'. As for leaving it on the side, that's what I always end up doing, whichever way it's cooked.

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
IMHO celeriac can be ok with some fish dishes, otherwise the best place for it is in the pig bin.

BTW, we are having a venison shank cooked long and slow in a casserole dish. We always have sweet potato mash with this sort of thing, it is superb.

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Piemaster said:
I'd bung the celeriac in the casserole. I am a bit odd though as I can't stand celery but quite like celeriac. Maybe its the texture.
As posted before - steam the kale.

I have a big enough cast iron casserole that it will feed 4 of us for 2 days when full. Including a 6' teenager.

Isn't it an offence to eat teenagers?:smile:

Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
Did you know Celeriac is also know as knob celery? well, it is, and i can't but chuckle every time i hear Celeriac.

I boil it, with a spud or two, 2/3 garlic cloves, then mash it with loads of butter. The pots give it more texture. Lovely :smile:

Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
I'm with you Mort. A lot of Kale has too much stalk in it to be tasty. I destalk mine and steam it, or blanch then stir fry. I really love the stuff
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