Chain letters

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Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
The post office out here has just refused to take the package as it's too big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Yeah, I tried this and ended up with 823,542 men - a third of whom just wanted to watch football, a third of whom couldn't cook or pick up their own socks and a third of whom fell into both sets...

(This in no way represents my true view of the male sex, but I just wanted to join in the sexist stereotype joke...)

(BTW, suddenly thought, some wisearse is going to say you can't divide that number into thirds... So I checked, and you can...)
Arch said:
Yeah, I tried this and ended up with 823,542 men - a third of whom just wanted to watch football, a third of whom couldn't cook or pick up their own socks and a third of whom fell into both sets...

(This in no way represents my true view of the male sex, but I just wanted to join in the sexist stereotype joke...)

And a third couldn't manage it more than three times a night. :biggrin:
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