Child seat recommendations

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Senior Member
Having recently become the proud father of a delightful daughter 3 weeks ago, I've been looking ahead to the eventual need of a nursery when Mrs Wobbles has to return to work - luckily not immediately, but in about 7-8 months time.
So, as the title suggests; we need to find a way of incorporating my cycle into work with dropping off/picking up Miss Wobbles in the morning/evening so thought a child seat may be a solution. Not a long journey(1 mile approx)

Questions are:
What's the age minimums for the seats?
Can you get quick release ones that can be left at the nursery?
And of course what are your thoughts/recommendations?

Cheers ;)


crappy member
South West
Min. age is at least 9 months I think - you should double check this.

Childseats are not ideal in winter as my boy gets cold hands, face etc. - they tend to pull gloves off if you can get them on in the first place!

Also, a common problem with childseats is that when (not if) they fall asleep their head tend to fall forward - so an expensive seat with a recline function is the only way to solve this.

And some advance warning - young children hate wearing helmets - they cry like crazy!


New Member
1 mile to nursery.

My strategy for this would be to pushchair master jimbo to the nursery at double quick pace ( 15 mins ). Leave pushchair at nursery and run the 1 mile back home ( 10 mins and also acts as a warm up ) then ride to work.


Senior Member
I'd go for a trailer. Comfier, warmer and more stable.

Plus you can get a fair bit of luggage inside without too much hassle.


You could always try Dutch stylee......




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Lawrence, NSW
We had a rhode gear seat for child 1, from about 1yr old. was easy to fit on and off on its Blackburn rack. It was really only used in reasonable weather for leisure. She loved it.

when number 2 came along we got a trailer so they could both fit (Mrs LFG didn't fancy a seat on the back). The trailer got used in weather we would never consider going out with the seat.
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