Childish things you've done

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Another thread and something I've just done in a neighbours garden has reminded me of something.

Someone bought Mrs Greedo and I a weekend in a hotel for our 30ths as we are only 12 days apart in age.

We were there the Saturday and Sunday and on the Sunday night we were a bit pissed after a really nice meal and were just pottering about the hotel. It was quite as it was a Sunday and we were passing by a conference room that had a sign saying RBS Sales training Course and the date. We went in and it was all set up for the next day.

We went into the room and I flicked the nice new flip chart over a few pages and drew a huge knob on it. flicked it further on and drew a big pair of tits and put it back as if it had't been touched.

We couldn't stop laughing thinking of some up his arse sales trainer on the monday morning doing his stuff on the flip chart and 4 pages in turning over and finding the knob. I still laugh thinking about the people in the training room.:smile::laugh:


RBS?! maybe that's why it's gone bust and had to be bailed out by the chancellor! :smile::laugh:


Über Member
Belvedere, Kent.
There used to be a very posh little cafe in Marazion. We were down there once and they had a chalk board advertising CRAB SANDWICHES.

I rubbed the bottom curve of the B off.


We had a chalk board menu at work and Prawn Cocktail was frequently missing P n tail


Workshop related childishness usually....
We went through a phase of pinning tails on each other....a label and a short length of netting you get oranges in....pinned onto the back of some unsuspecting colleague.

A big label and write the letter W...followed by a picture of an anchor...secretly stuck on a colleagues back...and it stayed there half a day much to everyones delight.

We went through an awful phase at my last job. They'd knock the pins out of the hinges and fill your locker with polystyrene chips so when you opened the door...wham...all over the floor. We were all doing it to each other.

A big dollop of grease on the back of a locker padlock always got a laugh.

Working in a meat plant, the polystyrene chips got taken to another level. We had a consignment of frozen kangaroo or wallaby heads come in once for'd go in the workshop to see your toolbox open...with a kangaroo head sticking out looking at you :angry:


Acetylene bombs :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Get the (do not try this at home chillblains) oxy acetylene welding gear and a rubber glove. Put a mix of the gasses in the glove and seal it quick. Attatch a piece of paper towel to the finger, light paper towel and retire...quick.
BOOOOOOOM :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
We used to run around crying with laughter...side splitting stuff when someones in the workshop not expecting it :angry::ohmy::ohmy:
Oh I've done too many of these kinds of things to remember. My favourite was attending my other half's works christmas do, when he worked full time fr a company. The theme was 'school disco'. So I went as a schoolboy and mike went as a school girl. I duly equipped myself with a number of schoolboy-related items: fake spider, catapult etc.

Dinner came along. I got my catapult out. And I catapulted everyone on our tables sprouts, grapes and other small objects around the room. I mostly aimed at people's heads. In th centre of each table was also a helium filled balloon. I got a few of those too.

The joke was wearing thin by about 3am as I'd pretty much fired everything I could get my hands on at practically everyone in the room. In fact I got a bollocking from the MD's wife (thick-as dolly bird with giant fake t*ts), which made me do it more!!


Dynamite :biggrin::ohmy::ohmy:

At risk of starting to sound like Billy Liar :angry: (see other thread) i used to work for a seismic surveying company ( i was 17 at the time) , looking for coal seams in the Vale of Belvoir.
Dynamite was used as part of the process, drilled 10 ft into the ground.We occasionally used to pull it up to just below the surface and get a crater when it was detonated.
One occasion, we found some hay bales, a dead cat and a dead rabbit and placed it all on the dynamite.
It rained hay for about half an hour :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:....we never did find the rest.

Cue running round laughing like donkeys
A favourite sound engineer trick when rigging is to sneak up behind the person who is about to plug in the giant industrial sized power cable carrying life-endingly high levels of amps that supplies the whole rig. As they plug it in and turn on the power, drop a large object (such as a book) on the floor right behind them so it makes a loud bang. And watch them absolutely crap themselves.


Living Legend & Old Fart
I was a civvy working for the Royal Saudi Air Force at a remote weapons deliver range as the range medic. Remote? About 80 kms from base but it was about 10kms on the road and 70 across the desert - normally took us about 2-3 hours to get there so we used to travel out on the Saturday and stay in accommodation there until Wednesday when flying ended. The range safety officers (one - ex RN and one - ex RAF) worked for a different company. One of the topics of conversation at the range on Saturday was "How long did it take you to get home?"
We headed for home one Wednesday before the other two when, all of a sudden, Jim who was driving turned off the usual track and headed for a rocky outcrop and hid behind it. He explained what was happening, about 5 minutes later the other two went by and we resumed our journey after waiting another 10 minutes.
Saturday morning:-
Ex RN officer "We were only 5 minutes behind you but couldn't catch you."
Jim "Hippo & I found the short cut and got home in 33 minutes."
Ex RN officer "Short cut - tell me about it."
Hippo " No, we found it, if you want it find it yourself!"
They tried every Wednesday to find that 'short cut' but never succeeded - I wonder why?


Oh my god .Just reminded me of a prank that could have cost me my job .Still sweating .
I was in a work section that checked other workers and the sorting machines .
Three weeks before xmas .We were put to stand on our duties for the whole of pressure .
I got 3 weeks of earlies ,one got 3 weeks of lates and the last bloke 3 weeks of nights .

Well the night shift was permission to print money .All the overtime you wanted .

The other two minimal amounts .Well i had a couple of kids and i could have done with the money .
So i sent a mini bottle of whisky and a card saying thank you for the wonderful xmas me and my family were going to have thanks to the night shift work and overtime available .

And signed it in the other guys name .

Well it backfired shoot hit the fan .

I had to grovel and say how sorry i was .But i was known as a decent bloke and did alot of charity work .

It took three weeks to be sorted .They made me sweat .Never again .


Smutmaster General
Aged 17 (so childish was still kind of OK)... in a town we used to go to on Friday evenings (most of my mates lived there... 10 miles from home, quick train ride)... a bunch of us trying out my mate's home-made gunpowder... and it worked! :smile:
Only trouble was, we were testing it near the cricket pavillion, on the town's common... cue police car, blues and twos, driving across the common, chasing us... I've never scarpered so fast in my life! They didn't catch us, and we re-grouped later at the youth club (then on to the pub) :tongue: Happy days indeed!
Same friend got killed in motorbike accident about a year later... :smile:
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