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Chocolate fortifies the inner soul!


Senior Member
In case you'd like to know what I'd like instead of chocs it's candles. Ok last year one boy got me a mood ring the other a cookery book from their his school fair. I'm not sure if I should be insulted by both or either, but it's the thought that counts. Needless to say my moods haven't improved and my cooking is alright anyway so not much has changed this year.
I notice the big tins of chocolate sweeties are fairly flying off the shelves at our local supermarket. £5 a go near us. Maybe they are a soft option as gifts? Can't think what to buy, so I'll give them a tin of choc covered sweets?


Chocolate's not my cup of tea. But M & S are doing three boxes of Cherries in a Brandy liqueur, covered in cholcolate for £5. Guess what everyone is getting at work this Xmas!


Legendary Member
Can I have a job please Chris?

Maybe I could work from home, part time on a temporary basis.

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Chocolate should never, never, I say never be given as a gift to anyone. It rots teeth, piles on weight, gives you spots and ruins your appetite for proper food such as brussels sprouts.

However, if any of you have foolishly and rashly purchased such rubbish I will, as a special favour to fellow cyclists, agree to act as a disposal point which will enable you to dispose of this muck without endangering your nearest and dearest. Please send all chocolate to me at Attrick Towers as soon as possible.
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