Christmas dinner

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New Member
Chez Wafflycat will be providing (cooked by moi)

Free-range bronze turkey crown, barded with bacon to keep the meat *moist* as we do enjoy a large, moist breast at Christmas.

chestnut, orange & whisky stuffing
roast potatoes
honey-glazed roast parsnips
roast butternut squash
roast sweet potatoes
carrots in an orange butter glaze
brussels sprouts, green beans, broccoli (steamed)

turkey gravy
cranberry sauce
cumberland sauce

Christmas pudding flamed in rum
cream/custard as desired.
Fresh fruit

Christmas cake with liqueur coffee

Left overs... YUM... bubble & squeak.. turkey curry... turkey & cranberry sarnies.. turkey & salad.. YUM..


Maz said:
It's also a no-Christmas dish, as you're aware. ;)
I tried turkey for the first time in my life about 5 years ago. It was delicious! Haven't had any since cos it's so difficult to buy halal.

There is a market there. As we become more multi-cultural, it is more common for people from other religions to take part in Christian occasions. So, a halal or a kosher prepared turkey would make some sense. Surprised that the supermarkets have not tapped into this market.


The Noodley family will be having:

Roast potatoes
Roast parsnips
Roast sweet potatoes
Brussel sprouts
Bread sauce
Creeshie mealie (it's a local thing ;) and quite delicious)
Apricot and Cranberry stuffing
Chipolatas wrapped in bacon

Not too sure what to have for pudding yet :biggrin:

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
wafflycat said:
Chez Wafflycat will be providing (cooked by moi)

Free-range bronze turkey crown, barded with bacon to keep the meat *moist* as we do enjoy a large, moist breast at Christmas.

chestnut, orange & whisky stuffing
roast potatoes
honey-glazed roast parsnips
roast butternut squash
roast sweet potatoes
carrots in an orange butter glaze
brussels sprouts, green beans, broccoli (steamed)

turkey gravy
cranberry sauce
cumberland sauce

Christmas pudding flamed in rum
cream/custard as desired.
Fresh fruit

Christmas cake with liqueur coffee

Left overs... YUM... bubble & squeak.. turkey curry... turkey & cranberry sarnies.. turkey & salad.. YUM..

What time shall I come round?;)

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Maison Attrick will mainly be 'avin' smoked roast salmon with prawns as starters, followed by roast marinaded haunch of venison with roast spuds, lashings of sprouts (yep we love 'em), honeyed carrots, roast parsnips and mashed spud. If we can still stand, the chocolate fondant referred to in another post finishes it. Snoring, belching and farting sounds will then ensue for a considerable time.


Piemaster said:
I'm really starting to wish I hadn't asked now. I'm now ravenous and jealous of what some all of you are having.

I'll be having all the left overs in a pie on Boxing Day...;):laugh:

As if there will be anything left!! :angry:


Legendary Member
I think I will be on Pieces on Christmas Day.


Cycling in the sun
I haven't decided yet, I don't even know who all is coming for Christmas yet... due to the BIL's car accident at the begginning of the month we are not sure which members of the extended family are eatting where?

If it was just us, it would be duck ... but it won't go far enough if we have guests. I like loads of left overs that you can graze on for the next couple of days. Chestnut stuffing balls, bacon wrapped sausages, ohh... my mouth is watering.


Armchair Cyclist
Going to brother and s-i-l's for dinner, and if they managed to get a turkey last night (aparently there wasn't room in the freezer to get one earlier) we will be having the usual Christmas fayre. It is also dependant on whether dad is out of hospital as to how many of us there will be.


summerdays said:
I haven't decided yet, I don't even know who all is coming for Christmas yet... due to the BIL's car accident at the begginning of the month we are not sure which members of the extended family are eatting where?

If it was just us, it would be duck ... but it won't go far enough if we have guests. I like loads of left overs that you can graze on for the next couple of days. Chestnut stuffing balls, bacon wrapped sausages, ohh... my mouth is watering.

I have to say, much as I love Xmas day lunch, it's sometimes too pressured to enjoy. We're having the Outlaws this Xmas and wife's sister and her partner. Latter doesn't get on with M-I-L, so hopefully they will all be on best behaviour. Anyway, what I was meaning to say was the leftovers are sometimes better than the main meal. We usually have the whole lot re-heated on Boxing Day and that is always a very relaxed and pleasurable meal by comparison.


New Member
My lovely neighbour, Bill, has just given me a whole bucketload of fresh veg from his plot. They will be *sooooooooo tasty* as part of Christmas dinner! What a lovely man!


Senior Member
We will have the traditional fayre for Christmas dinner washed down with the wine we brought back from Alsace. Tomorrow we will have honey-roast ham followed by Mississippi Mud Pie for pudding. The 'children' will also have some of the latter for breakfast on Christmas morning whilst we oldies have hot cross buns. I just need to make sure I can fit into my new Foska jacket afterwards!

Happy Christmas everyone!
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