Chuffy - I need your advice mate...

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<consults The Rules>

Ah. The Rules state quite clearly that "no man shall have access to The Rules and The Rules may be changed without notice or warning at the discretion, whim or fancy of the female."

Sorry mate, can't help you. :biggrin:
Landslide said:
Yet Chuffy is a man, and clearly has access to The Rules.:biggrin:

I fear he may now vanish in a puff of logic...:biggrin:
Your perspicacity does you credit....smartarse
I have access to the Meta-Rules which contain information about The Rules without actually containing The Rules themselves. My advice to date is based on extrapolation from this meta-data.

From 'Quantum Physics For Birds' by Prof Scholl Sandahl.
"The Rules are an example of a Shrodinger Quantum Paradox in that the act of observing them, or attempting to observe them, will ipso facto change them. For example, that dress in the wardorbe may, or may not, go with your shoes. The dress exists in a state of quantum uncertainty and so long as it remains shut your wardrobe actually contains two dresses. The second you open the wardrobe door the theoretical phase space occupied by the two dresses collapses and resolves itself into a single waveform. The resulting dress will almost certainly not match anything and the only possible answer is to go shopping."


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
Chuffy said:
. For example, that dress in the wardorbe may, or may not, go with your shoes. The dress exists in a state of quantum uncertainty and so long as it remains shut your wardrobe actually contains two dresses. The second you open the wardrobe door the theoretical phase space occupied by the two dresses collapses and resolves itself into a single waveform. The resulting dress will almost certainly not match anything and the only possible answer is to go shopping."

But whichever dress comes out of the paradox her bum will most definitely not look big in it!
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