Close pass and mobile user - to report or not?

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** Full Time Pro **
Photo Winner
So I was close passed twice by the same driver today within minutes. Second time I have on forward facing video. After the first pass I noticed the van stopped in a petrol station…I did think to stop to have a word but I carried on. Minutes later same van close passed again And came to a stop at the road junction 100 metres ahead. I pulled alongside at which point I could see the driver holding a phone whilst moving off into the main road. Drivers Window came down i politely asked for more room next time to which I was told I was in the middle of the road 🤷‍♂️.

That was the end of it - but my blood was boiling at the 2 close passes and Id say this person doesn’t give much regard for any road users safety.

The video doesn't do the close pass justice and I’m in two minds as to whether I should report it or not (fearing a bit of retribution if it went to court etc).

Heres the video and I have good still images of the reg and phone in hand.


Edit…video removed

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Gravitationally challenged member
Clear phone in hand, definitely report it!


Senior Member
The van driver has no respect for other road users and no respect for the law. I understand the issue of retribution because we never know what we are dealing with, but I think he should be reported. Here in the USA I carry a concealed gun in case I have to deal with dangerous drivers and may be confronted by one. I just hope it never comes to that.


The van driver has no respect for other road users and no respect for the law. I understand the issue of retribution because we never know what we are dealing with, but I think he should be reported. Here in the USA I carry a concealed gun in case I have to deal with dangerous drivers and may be confronted by one. I just hope it never comes to that.

Ooft, a bit extreme for the average UK cyclist Charley, but I realise you live in a different world. Take care. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇺🇲 👍
Should the video be taken off Youtube ?
Some say it might prejudice the chance of success.

Report it, but take down video
I put my videos on Youtube and set it so it is only accessible to those with a direct link. I then share the link with the police.

I’ve also shared with the driver of a vehicle involved in a crash that I happened to capture. He then passed the link to his insurance company.


Senior Member
Hard to say on the closeness of the pass as you look quite far across your lane so the van couldn’t have really given much more room however I’d definitely report for the phone


Senior Member
Ooft, a bit extreme for the average UK cyclist Charley, but I realise you live in a different world. Take care. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇺🇲 👍

Cyclists, here, are more likely to be armed than not. I wish it wasn't this way. The police don't want to know about drivers like that guy in the van; they have too much else to deal with.


South Wales
I would say report it, but the rules here in South Wales say you must not post the video to any social media sites or youtube. I don't now if that is the same in Northern Ireland.


Cyclists, here, are more likely to be armed than not. I wish it wasn't this way. The police don't want to know about drivers like that guy in the van; they have too much else to deal with.

It seems almost everyone is armed to some degree. I have family in Jacksonville, and I think they all have something but they have long since given up telling me about it. I get the fear every time I hear a news report.


** Full Time Pro **
Photo Winner
Hard to say on the closeness of the pass as you look quite far across your lane so the van couldn’t have really given much more room however I’d definitely report for the phone

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I’ve removed the link to the video. Re. Your point above @Daninplymouth yes I was just over halfway across my lane as I was dodging a previously filled cable/pipe trench running up the middle … but the driver could've gone right into the opposite lane and still given me 1.5m space, or held back and passed me after the junction.

I’ll sleep on it overnight before deciding What to do.
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