contact lenses

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Still trying to look cool and not the fool HA
N Devon
I would never wear contacts in isolation as you will get grit (or sweat which stings like buggery) in your eyes.

So, with contacts and glasses, the lenses can still steam up.
I would still protect my eyes with glasses, whether lensed up or not. My need to wear lenses/glasses are optional and vary.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I've worn contact lenses for about 22 years, have done numerous sports, activites from cycling, football, boxing, running, swimming and of course work....but the biggest change/comfort was daily disposable contact lenses rarely fall out, can even swim underwater with eyes open, although this does test them to there limit but even then I only had 3 or 4 wash out and only one at a time.....
but for me it is still important to wear cycling glasses, sunglasses while cycling....
saying all that, if I had the money, laser surgery without a doubt....

Me too


I have to say that I am not sure I could go through with having laser surgery, even if meant not having to wear glasses ever again.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
I've heard good things from laser but I've also heard of folk who are back to square one after 18 months of having it done. Not sure if i fancy it yet.
Think a lot depends on your condition as to whether laser surgery works.

I have worn lenses for over 20 years and like Norry above have reached the point where I need reading glasses too for small print. Opticians said that laser surgery would sort out the distance, thus avoiding the need for lenses, but afraid it's an age thing that means I would still need reading glasses - lasers can't stop the onset of age :sad:

Have recently given bifocals a go as an alternative to lenses. So far so good but still need lenses for sport.
Never even thought about it! I wear my lenses from 6.45 am to 11.00 pm every day and always cycle in them and either don't bother with eye protection (naughty I know) or wear sunglasses (I do have some clear cycling glasses but don't often use them)


Thanks all.I would wear cycling sunglasses if i had contacts.Thats one of the other reasons for asking,as i can then wear sunglasses.
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