Coventry Eagle Commodore?

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New Member
Hi all!
First post on this forum, just looking for some advice.
My hateful, useless, aggravating Claud Butler Ventoux finally gave up the ghost a few weeks ago (crank shaft is buggered and not worth replacing), so I decided I'd be better off picking up a cheap vintage ride for commuting and training for the next few months.
The bike I found is, as far as I've been able to work out from research online, is an early 80's Coventry Eagle Commodore. I took it out last week for a quick scoot around Cardiff Bay and can honestly say that I have rediscovered my love for cycling. Its light, fast and feels great and I ended up going almost everywhere on the drops, which is very enjoyable. I'm now considering doing it up as a tourer and holding onto it long-term.
I have a couple of questions;
Is it normal to swap pedals on older bikes over for clipless (mine are exustar), or do people more often use straps, or toe clips?
The paint-work is a bit tatty and I'd like to replace the decals (especially the crap foil eagle on the front!), do people typically strip and respray, or use some form of touch-up? I'd personally rather keep it as original as possible paint-wise.
Sorry about the rubbish pictures, it's dark when I start and finish work, so I'll only be able to photograph outside on my next day off.


Legendary Member
Nice :becool:
I'd just give it a polish, wouldn't even replace the decals. Mind you I'd be hunting down some Shimano 'Golden Arrow' mechs to fit to it (and a Brooks :whistle:)
As for pedals as long as you stick to silver they should look fine Shimano A600 would be my choice, or the A520s (but they're single sided 'cleat only' ones)

Edit - Gawd, that's a big piccy.
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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Looks lovely!

Pedals are an area where I'd say fit whatever you prefer. Try not to use something butt ugly, but if that's all that suits you, then rideability wins over looks. Keep what came with it, though.

Looks like it might have the same bars on it as my Falcon. The drops are pretty comfortable on them.
Hi. I've got a Sun Solo lurking in shed. I always replace cables, bar tape, and pads. Often replace saddle. Generally have to replace tyres. I use touch up carbody pens on blemishes etc. Seal with a wax Polish.
Worn decals. Polished up frame. Shiny rims. Looks good and will ride great!
I like your Eagle!


I'm sure look brought out their first clip less pedals in the 80's, so in keeping with your bike.

Looks good.


Itching to get back on my bike's
@tpotter457 just keep it original ie good clean and a polish up will make the difference

pedals are down to you clips & straps are more in keeping but hey its your bike

thats an awful lot of seat post out looks like you might need a bigger sized frame imho


New Member
Thanks for the replies! I'm thinking clips and straps at the moment, I've always ridden clipless in the past so I'd like to give it a go. I also like the idea of being able to wear shoes I can actually walk in!
I'll take the advice on keeping the decals and giving it a good polish. I'm almost certainly going to replace the saddle as well, preferably with something in brown leather. Obviously the bar tape will have to be changed as well, I'm not a barbarian.
What surprises me is the insane mix of components; Weinmann brake levers, shimano front derailler, maillard hubs. If all these are original, then the bike has been simultaneously made in Italy, France and England!
Regarding the seat post, its a bit higher than I ride (I took it out and put it back in before the photos and didn't arrange it properly), but I have a weird and unfortunate body type, with a long body and short legs. I've always found smaller frames to suit me better!


Legendary Member
Weinmann are Swiss, and a lot of manufacturers swapped over from Simplex/Huret mechs around that time (thank the Lord) Maillard wide flange hubs are very good and worth rebuilding with new bearings/grease.
My Raleigh Equipe (well super Equipe really cos it's the red and white one) of a similar vintage had pretty much the same components on it.
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