Covid-19 tracker app

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
That looks like the NHSX tracer app, not the ZOE tracker one discussed in this thread.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Sounds like the NHS tracker has been abandoned because they can't get it to work. We're going to gp with the Apple/Android app instead. Incredible. How complex can this app be? Don't we have any top notch software contractors in this country? I read somewhere it was iPhones they couldn't get the software to work with. Absolutely no surprise there.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Sounds like the NHS tracker has been abandoned because they can't get it to work. We're going to gp with the Apple/Android app instead. Incredible. How complex can this app be? Don't we have any top notch software contractors in this country? I read somewhere it was iPhones they couldn't get the software to work with. Absolutely no surprise there.
The symptom tracker discussed in this thread is still live, sadly. The contact tracker has indeed been switched, as we're discussing in
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