Critical Mass: Fun? Protest? Solidarity?

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Hi Everyone,

A bit more background for an article. I'd like to know what people think of Critical Mass, and what you think it's for. Technically, it's a spontaneous event, just a kind of group celebration of cycling, and certainly the first fifteen minutes or so of the rides I've been on have felt like that. After about half an hour, especially when the junctions are blocked, the mood seems to turn a bit uglier, and there are (or have been when I've done the ride) shouting matches between riders and motorists who are blocked. I don't think the motorists have much grounds for complaint - they block each other, and everyone else who needs to get around, far more - but I don't think it's helpful for the image of cycling. Cycling as an aggressive, law-breaking sub-culture - inaccurate, but the impression from scenes like this - will put off the numbers we need to make cycling mass transport, seems to me.

What do you think of the idea of a 'critical manners' ride?

All ideas gratefully received.


Pulling through
I think change takes all sorts from polite example to inyerface confrontation through engaging with existing political structures. 'Average Joe' in your link, if he/she exists, may be engaged or alienated/empowered or disempowered to ride by any of those approaches.

I wear everyday clothes on my relatively short commutes (unless the weather's really bad) and I ride within the rules of the road with a smile on my puss most of the time. I know two people who've followed my example and I'm made up about that. But good manners and example may only get us so far.

Movements for change - and I accept there's loads of cyclists who won't see themselves as part of one - need a variety of approaches. From the peasant's revolt to the 'Arab spring', women's suffrage, anti-poll tax, pro/anti-bloodsports, civil rights, you name it...they've all used confrontation to demand attention.


You will not find me at Critical Mass ride. I just cannot condone the style of the protest. I have not been, but looked at some youtube footage, read reports and looked at some pics and in my opinion it is too aggressive and too negative to win much support or to alter opinions with regard to the overall objective of making cyclists noticed and regarded as equals on the roads.
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