Curse, swear; Swear curse.

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Curse, swear; Swear, curse.

;):cursing::cry:Wiggle have just informed me that they can no longer get the Dawes Horizon that I ordered from them 7 yes seven weeks ago as they are no longer available from Wiggle's supplier. Wiggle did say that if anything else took my fancy on the website then it would be no problem to ajust the payment details but nothing else comes near in price or looks. Don't know whether to curse or cry.


That's crap ;)

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Weird, neither ChainReactionCycles, CTC or Edinburgh Bike Cooperative websites seem to be selling them. I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing for Dawes. They seem to have re-vamped their product line, but prices went up.
Think I might want to 'turn the screw' a bit at Dawes headgardener. It is what you had set as your target...seems only reasonable that a well respected, established manufacturer like Dawes should provide for you - at least!

Invite them onto this forum and read about the reputation of Dawes...


John Ponting said:
Wiggle are mail order - maybe not classed as "collection" ? Didn't TREK go no-mailorder sometime last year ? Certainly Evans weren't delivering TREKs when I looked.

Yeh I think Trek went all up themselves - something to do with only Trek approved mechanics assembling the bikes or the like.

Seems a bit strange that Dawes (old favourite of touring) would cut links with Wiggle (new CTC shop).
Well Portswood Cycles say that they can get a Horizon in my size in a few days, so tomorrow (although it is Saturday and I may not be to popular) will see me going to visit them to possibly place an order and arrange the financial side, so wish me luck.
I would have tried placing the order online but unfortunatly their checkout link keeps coming up error 404 so I have to go in person to them.
Wished I'd done this earlier, nevermind.


You could order it online directly from Dawes:

... but unfortunately Portswood are not listed as an "online" dealer so it looks like you can't collect it from them if you buy direct.

Odd, you would have thought that all their dealers would accept and supply the bikes. I know they'll have to assemble them, but they also get the opportunity to sell accessories and get repeat custom for servicing. Perhaps there's not enough margin to make it worthwhile for every dealer?

Good luck and I hope you get it sooner, rather than later!

Shaun :smile:
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