Cycling to West Mersea

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Formerly known as djtheglove
Just wondering, I will be taking the train this Thursday from Liverpool st to Colchester and then cycling from there down to west mersea, (10 miles each way) I have about 1 hour of things to do in West mersea and then lunch and cycle back to colchester for the train back to London. Very pleasent ride and with the bit from my house to liverpool st makes about 35 miles, so if any one fancies accompanying me then pm me. I could meet at liverpool st or Colchester Town rail station.:evil:


Legendary Member
Will thee be wetting ones wheels over the causeway ?


Formerly known as djtheglove
sheddy said:
Will thee be wetting ones wheels over the causeway ?

your right I will check the tidal heights!:evil:

Edit ; I have just checked and i reckon it will be about 1330 HW so we might have to go for a buzz around the island to wait for the water to receed!B)

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Well djtheglove and I completed the trip to West Mersea. Couldn't have picked a more beautiful day, and were even provided with a tailwind on the way home. The tide was up so all the boats looked lovely on the River Blackwater.

Rather amazingly, we managed to visit both a yacht chandlery and an excellent cycle shop and only spend a total of £7.99!

A small part of the route was on the road we shall use on our way back from Tiptree on the CycleChat April ride so this is another plug for that!


Formerly known as djtheglove
Yep will certainly vouch for the beauty of the area, it's lovely rolling humps in the ground that are do able by bike, plenty of good eatery places and i even got to practice my nod at a couple of unsuspecting old codgers, who both unsuspectingly waved back! also a young girl who clearly decided i am an old perv, but Auntie Helen reckons she don't count as she was on the pavement, H beat me soundly going down the Hills, I learnt my lesson racing User3143 at the weekend! I was able to take the lead going up the hills.
Altogether an enjoyable day.
Oh and a great flash bike shop, remind me of what they are called again!

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
The shop has the not-very-catchy name of 53-12. Website is

I was so disappointed that I didn't manage to stay ahead of you up that last big hill after I had a huge lead on the very long downhill section. I just didn't have the energy (plus had too much burger & chips in my belly) to power enough to stay ahead. Not that it was a race of course. Ahem.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
"it saves weight", he says, whilst wearing 2 pairs of socks, a woolly hat and carrying locks and other stuff. It clearly worked, though, as I couldn't catch him on the downhill. I should have tried harder! :biggrin:
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