Dayvo's Tour Down Under

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G'day all!

After a few changes of plan, I've finished me little trip down below! :cheers:

Sydney to Adelaide (ca 2,300 km) in about four weeks of actual cycling but had a few 'rest' (;)) weeks for good measure! :tongue:

I'll post an account of my journey if anyone's interested in having a look when I get back to Norway in March.

I'm back in Melbourne for a few days now, staying with a mate, before heading off to Sydney for the last few days, then flying back briefly to England, then straight off to Cambodia for three weeks with the misses!

Hope you're all well! :biggrin:


Legendary Member
Wotcha Dayvo! ;)

I'd read a report of your trip.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Good to hear from you Dayvo and to know that all is going well, will look forward to the report of you trip when you have time to piece it together. Hope the trip home and the journey to Cambodia are also pleasant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sounds like your having an awesome trip Dayvo!

Look forward to the pics and reports, have a great next few months jet setting around.


Alright mate

Good to hear from you. Sounds like you're having a grand time.

Airmiles will be clocking up nicely!

Good idea about an account of your journey. There have been a few threads recently about people on here not being able to sleep with stress and people with insomnia. You could cure them all with you're report:laugh::rofl:

All the best mate, stay safe


nothing in moderation
you lucky boy :rofl:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Quick, get on and bung your miles in for the CC team. We're already out to beat the Aussies, doing it with miles done on their home ground would be sweet!;)

Glad you've had a good trip!:tongue:


New Member
West Oxon
I'd read it, of course, but you probably know that! Glad to hear it went successfully, and enjoy the rest of your travels this year.
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