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Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
That people who don't buy houses on flood plains / river valleys should pay increased insurance premiums to bolster up those people who do, even though I feel sorry for them ?

(The man who lives on a hill)


(from another man who lives on top of a hill)


New Member
Colne, Lancs
Not everyone knows, when they buy their house, that they lie on a flood plain. even at the top of a hill, you may live on one; it's not that simple. The whole insurance idea relies on everyone subsidising everyone else - what about the fact that you are covered for burgalary, but not everyone will get burgled? Saying that, it's pretty clear, after this summer that all of those on a flood area will probably have to pay an increased premium anyway!
Elmer Fudd

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
SamNichols said:
........what about the fact that you are covered for burgalary, but not everyone will get burgled?...........

If somebody tried to burgle me ( after getting past the dog !), they'd probably feel sorry for me and leave some decent kit behind ! :rolleyes:
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