Do You Wear A Tie?

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New Member
I saw this about schoolkids being made to wear clip-on ties. What's your view of tie-wearing? Personally, I only wear one with a suit at some kind of formal do, and wearing a tie makes me feel as if I'm choking.

Tony Blair, I recall, was given to open-necked shirts. That's my mode of dress for work, although I consider Blair to be the spawn of Satan.


nothing in moderation
the school dd will be going to in september specifies clip-on ties. i don't wear one to work (not even a collared shirt), just for formal occasions. i even got away not wearing one in the coroner's court when i did jury service recently.


I dont wear one, have not worn one for years. only time I will now is if I need to go to a black tie event, or fancy dress!


Über Member
Kids are too protected these days. In my final year, the uniform policy was slightly altered to prohibit synthetic materials because some kid lower down was stupid enough to lean over a bunsen burner and his shirt ignited pretty quickly.

If the next generation isn't taught how to tie a tie, might this be the death of the Half Windsor?

Besides, how can anybody be peanutted with a clip on tie?!? :angry:


Not if I can help it. I have to wear one for work meetings and formal do's. But that's about it. The last tie I bought was for my father's funeral. It was an ICAEW tie and we are/were both members. Every time I put it on I think of him.

I have to say I despair of office wear generally. Women can get away with wearing almost anything, yet menswear hasn't moved on since the 1900's. Shouldn't we be in Star Trek lycra outfits now?


Legendary Member
Have yet to have a job where I need a tie. Open shirts is de rigeur in Singapore, too hot for ties!


Will1985 said:
If the next generation isn't taught how to tie a tie, might this be the death of the Half Windsor?

Although I never wear them, for some reason I still have the tab from a tie I bought at Next about 10 years ago, with the instructions on the back... just incase!

I bet the instructions are on youtube now... maybe I could ditch it!


More serious cyclist than Bonj
I often give the impression i have one on when im cycling sometimes. I think it adds abit of class into cycling and puts me into a higher level.

Ofcourse, it is just a jersey made to look like a tux with the printing on it.

At school i have never worn a tie. When i first started in secondary ties werent compulsory and i never wore mine.
They then got taken out completely when the uniform changed to a poloshirt, so then you couldnt really wear a tie.

Id hate a job if i had to wear a tie.


Had to wear one at school and have to wear one at work. No big deal as long as you're shirt collar is the right size...


I never wear a tie except for weddings etc when it's expected. Even when I do wear one, I never do up the top shirt button, as it feels too choking and restrictive.


Is it really 'expected' at weddings anymore?

I am going to one in Wales at the weekend and didnt wear one at the last 3 or 4 I have been to, most guys under 40 ish didnt wear them either.


Smutmaster General
Only when expected to. I'd love to wear a cravate, but I'd just look like a plonker.


Rare Migrant
Don't bother at work, just suit trousers and a shirt. I didn't even bother with a tie at the last wedding I went to.


Legendary Member
I wear a tie every day at work; it's the dress code. Have almost completely given them up on overseas trips though except in cool places or for very important meetings.


New Member
I find it a bit ironic that as a member of the academic staff I can dress pretty much as I like, and while I'm fairly conservative some of my colleagues take it to extremes. Other male staff, such as technicians and admin guys, have to abide by a dress code which includes a tie. I see no logic in this at all.
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