Dodgey hearts

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Über Member
west sussex
In 2001 I finally went to my doctor complaining of severe breathlessness, an off the scale pulse, an uncontrollable cough and a general feeling of drowning. After a few tests he told me to go home, pack a bag and go straight to hospital.

After that things became bit of a blur. Over the next few weeks I was told I was suffering 'catastrophic heart failure' - which made me feel very special indeed - that my heart function had fallen to 10% and I was sent to Harefield on a transplant programme.

Once in good hands my symptoms were gradually put under control. Thankfully I haven't had a transplant but I do take pills by the bucket load - to keep my heart in rhythm, to stop it going too fast, to dilate my veins, thin my blood, keep my arteries clear, thyroxin, diuretics and a few others that I can't quite remember what for.

However, my cardiologist, who thought I was a goner when he first met me, has been amazed at the extent of my recovery. Even so, I thought I'd never ride a bike again but by last spring was able to do a Bike Adventures London to Paris tour over four days. The pace was a bit much for me and I was the slowest there by a country mile but I managed it and loved it.

This year I'm cycling to Paris again, not bothering with the London to the coast bit, just from Dieppe, but if I feel ok intend to continue in a leisurely and generally, southerly direction with the vague hope of eventually reaching to the Med... And if I can manage an average speed of 10 mph+ I'll be over the moon.

My cardiologist, who is a very keen cyclist is all for it even if my wife isn't.
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