Dodgy BBC weather forecasting

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Nr Cambridge
Weather forecasts seem to becoming constantly unreliable more than ever and shorter every week. On their TV bulletins they now only seem to be prepared to give us their prediction for the next 24 hours. I'm convinced that the BBC don't know their left elbow from the ar....ight elbow. Went for a quick ride yesterday evening of 35 miles turning to head home a chill 25mph northerly wind hit me full on. It was a cold struggle 12 miles home. Had that been on the forecast I would have taken a different route.

The other thing is the BBC local detailed weather forecasts via the red button 24 hour and 5 day forecasts never ever give any indication of wind direction or strength. Pants absolutely pants.

Offended from Putney.x


Smutmaster General
Beeb ones are absolute sh!te, imho. OK, we have changeable weather, but if you look say 3 or 4 days ahead, and keep tabs on the changes till the day arrives, there are some really odd developments. Till they get someone to look out the window and revise it to what it actually is. I just look at them now in order to see how rubbish they are (:smile:)
I prefer this or this


Resting in suspended Animation
Try your local weather recording station if it isn't too far away. Normally gives a very good indication of what the wind is upto before you set off.


Senior Member
I think people expect too much of forecasts. They are just that. Forecasts, not timetables. The BBC derives its weather info from the Meteorological Office, and you can check their web site if you want to get the griff straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

Does anyone actually check the forecast, and compare the weather today with what the forecast (from d-1, d-2 etc) actually predicted?

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