does 3rd party insurance = personal liability insurance?

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nothing in moderation
one for the financial types/lawyers this.

just checking because my cycling club requires £1m of 3rd party insurance (which is only £12 from ctc), but my home insurance covers me for £2m personal liability. is this one and the same thing? i reckon it is, but a second opinion would be good.

cheers in advance :biggrin:
alecstilleyedye said:
one for the financial types/lawyers this.

just checking because my cycling club requires £1m of 3rd party insurance (which is only £12 from ctc), but my home insurance covers me for £2m personal liability. is this one and the same thing? i reckon it is, but a second opinion would be good.

cheers in advance :biggrin:

Check the extent of your home insurance cover - it often only covers you for accidents in the home.


nothing in moderation
Patrick Stevens said:
Check the extent of your home insurance cover - it often only covers you for accidents in the home.

it does cover me out of the home. example given to me was if i hit a golf ball and injured someone i would be covered. Should have asked, but does that cover inadvertant damage to somone/their property while i am cycling?


Über Member
Considering the cost and the risk of not having it in the worst case scenario, i.e. you're life being effectively over, I would make sure I had some specific cycling insurance.
It is the same thing, personal liability is often included in home insurance and nearly always in travel insurance.

Having said that I would check your home insurance policy booklet for any exclusions to the cover (probably worth 12 quid to avoid having to do that:wacko:) and supporting the CTC cant harm either.

Intrestingly(or not) this seems to be a growing market, google "cycling incurance" will return a few firms offering public liability and/or theft cover and even breakdown cover all marketed at cyclists.


Does CTC include cover for your life? thats usually a separate thing


New Member
domtyler said:
Considering the cost and the risk of not having it in the worst case scenario, i.e. you're life being effectively over, I would make sure I had some specific cycling insurance.

I truly agree with u ! It is true that we need to consider the cost and the risk of not having it in the worst case scenario. Anyways that is really a good advice to give.


the tank engine
alecstilleyedye said:
it does cover me out of the home. example given to me was if i hit a golf ball and injured someone i would be covered. Should have asked, but does that cover inadvertant damage to somone/their property while i am cycling?

Get them to give it to your in writing if they do with all the details so there are no arguments if anything does happen.


N Ireland
Patrick Stevens said:
Check the extent of your home insurance cover - it often only covers you for accidents in the home.

Not so.


N Ireland
alecstilleyedye said:
one for the financial types/lawyers this.

just checking because my cycling club requires £1m of 3rd party insurance (which is only £12 from ctc), but my home insurance covers me for £2m personal liability. is this one and the same thing? i reckon it is, but a second opinion would be good.

cheers in advance :blush:

Yes, these are the same thing.

Personal liability is included in most, if not all, home contents covers. Just read the cover and exclusions sections of the policy - racing etc will usually be excluded, however, leisure type cycling should be OK. The cover won't include either you or the bike, but other sections of the policy may cover both (look for Personal Accident and Pedal Cycles) - just take care to ensure that the cover limits suit your purposes and make a note of all relevant conditions and exclusions.

Having said all that it is impossible to be certain of your cover without knowing your requirements and specific policy wording. If you have any doubts you should refer to your insurer or insurance agent, rather than a cycling forum!!
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