draft text printing in brown :(

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mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
Hi I use open office and the latest version seems to want to print draft copies in brown which is costing me extra in coLoured inks. I have checked the box to only print black in the tools/options/writer/web. is there a setting in my printer i dont know about but i am sure it changed with the latest version of open office i might as well go back to printing as good quality for all the coloured ink it is using. i am using an epson all in one cx3650. any help gratefully received


Vice Admiral
OOpss I deleted my earlier post because I realised I may have mis-understood your question.:biggrin:

I suggested using different coloured paper for draft copies, because I thought you wanted to print in brown, so that you could see which is draft and which is best copy. (and therefore avoid sending out draft copies when it really matters). Then you could use black for draft.
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