Drunken Cyclists

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very-near said:
I think you judge yourself very harshly Chuffy ;)
Don't ask where you are on that scale...:blush:

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I don't condone riding a bike when drunk but the potential to do serious damage is much less than driving a car when in the same state. A possible 2 year prison sentence seems OTT to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Legendary Member
Rather a lot depends on the definition of drunk. I would not class a person just over the limit for driving a motor vehicle to be drunk, merely "over the limit".


Secret Lemonade Drinker
Keith Oates said:
I don't condone riding a bike when drunk but the potential to do serious damage is much less than driving a car when in the same state. A possible 2 year prison sentence seems OTT to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A 2 year prison sentence for drink-driving a vehicle sounds like a good idea to me.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Id do it. If i was riding home early in the morning/pretty late at night, i doubt that anyone would be about for me to cause damage to, except if i rode into their car or a lamp post or something:wacko:
There were some good-ish stories on LFGSS about people riding drunk and their 'problems' on their way home:laugh:
I would never drink drive though. I wouldnt touch alcohol if i was driving a car after. But if i was on a bicycle.........;)
Theoretically I have no problem,but lets put i into perspective.

A drunk driver who causes his victim to lose her full term pregnancy was only given community service, a ban and £250, which the judge stated was appropriate.

Lets not (as in other cases) make the penalties for cyclists mre severe than forother groups.

The offence is the same, so should the penalties be.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
ComedyPilot said:
A 2 year prison sentence for drink-driving a vehicle sounds like a good idea to me.



dudi said:
Why not? seems perfectly reasonable.

If you are drunk, you shouldn't be in charge of anything more than your own limbs, as even that can prove too much for some people.

The simple answer is:
If you get drunk, either walk, get a lift or use public transport. if none of those is a reasonable option then don't get drunk in the first place.

Walking isn't always a safe bet either. The brother of a friend of mine was walking back from the pub one night, fell down the grass embankment the pavement was running along and was hit and killed by a bus. They have since levelled out the embankment so that the pavement is level with the road.

I think imprisonment is a bit harsh, but certainly don't condone cycling if you are extremely drunk. I think a fine or community service would be more appropriate if you were posing a danger to yourself and other road users (whether is be peds or cars). I have no qualms about cycling after a few drinks when I would never even consider taking the car after one drink. If I know I'm going to have several though I would arrange for alternative transport home. I once witnessed one extremely drunk cyclist (I should say Chav really) going straight over the handlebars of his bike and he managed to make a complete mess of his face, there was blood everywhere.
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