Dry or wet lube??

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rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
What is the best type of chain lube?

I've heard muc off is good stuff but never used anything but GT85 on a chain before.
What's recommended?


Oaf on a Bike
I have both types of Finish Line the wet and the dry.

The wet was pretty good through the snow and winter cold, but does seem to attract the dirt and dust. The dry is better, but apparently less good for wet/cold conditions. They last quite a while if you dont lube your chain all that often. Ill probably use 1 bottle a year on average.


You two chaps should get dry lube, as you are suffering drought conditions. I would buy wet lube due to the fact that it hasn't stopped raining for three weeks here!


Oaf on a Bike
You two chaps should get dry lube, as you are suffering drought conditions. I would buy wet lube due to the fact that it hasn't stopped raining for three weeks here!
I bought dry lube when the weather was nice at the end of march and then in typical fashion its been raining most days since! :/


Overall, I would use wet lube in this country, especially if it's for a MTB. If I lived in Spain, I might use a dry lube.
The most important thing is to use SOME lube, or oil as we used to call it, before it cost £6 for a thimbleful.


I use Finish Line dry lube most of the time. A bottle lasts ages and it does what its supposed to. I'll reapply every hundred miles or so or after a particularly wet ride.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
That stuff is half oil/half glue as far as I can see, messy stuff!
It's fine as long as you don't over apply it. Put on Mickle style it's good as it likes to cling to the chain and not fling off.

Put too much on and it goes into strings and gets everywhere.:laugh:
Used to use Castrol motorbike chain lube from a can, stuck nicely but possibly a bit too thick/claggy. 3-in-1 washes off too easily and dry lube is only really OK for dry weather spells or day-long events when you know it isn't going to rain, and even then the frickin' squeakin' will drive you mad! Wet lube is best in my experience. Just bought some Muc Off ceramic lube but not used it yet, will let you know how I get on (if I remember :smile:).
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