Dublin Car Free Day - "A Meaningless Joke"

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Marie Attoinette Fan
But the reality is that in Dublin you can't do without your car. We are acutely short on public transport by international standards. That's the source of our problems, not us using out cars," he said.
What a load of tosh; when I lived in Dublin I never had a car and neither did the majority of my office. I used the bike quite a bit and so did most of my colleagues, the other used public transport. I actually found public transport quite good compared to here: they've got frequent trams (LUAS), DART (Rail) and plenty of buses.
John the Monkey

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I would dearly love a proper survey of car journeys to be taken - listening to a lot of people talk, you'd think they commuted to the far side of the moon, when in reality, they're undertaking a trip of 3-5 miles, choking the roads with single occupant vehicles. A friend of the wife's routinely moans about the traffic on her commute - the distance? A whopping 3 miles. I've long since given up saying that such a distance could be done by bike quite elegantly.

I actively avoid using a car in Dublin. Plenty of buses, the Dart is good, and there's always walking! The AA just want to encourage laziness, which isn't difficult in the land of my father (and mother)!
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