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Had a test ride on Circe's E-Helios Steps which was great fun. I foresee one of these in our future. I'm not sure that Di-2 auto shifters are really necessary but it was amusing to hear them beep up and down. We had an issue when we managed to get out of pedal sync, - the captain has the motor on the bottom bracket which has a freewheel, but the stoker didn't. This caused quite a bit of wobble. I'm thinking we get a stoker freewheel fitted too, so at least correcting the sync should be easier.

Has anyone tried other e-tandems? Anything particularly better or worse to take note of or consider?


N Ireland
If Tandems are like hen's teeth, then I don't know what e-tandems would be. I've never seen one in the flesh but if ever there was a bike that needed a little extra push at times, it's a tandem.


Here's the beauty. Sadly OtherHalf I both had a (not the) lurgy all weekend so she's not been ridden far yet. 250W motor which isn't that much kick with both of us on, but enough of a boost to be helpful. Fully Di2 with an 11sp Alpine hub, which is silly but great fun.


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Finally managed to go for a ride - 10mile round trip for sunday lunch. A few wobbles, but we're both getting the hang of it. Although I don't really notice the motor kicking in that much, I certainly do when it stops helping at 15.5mph. Riding home after beer with lunch was no worse so that's an extra win! Although we've both tandem'd before, I still need to work on more communication, and we need to practise starting a bit more. with both bottom brackets having free-wheels we can get out of sync but stoker just coasts until we're together again.


Legendary Member
London, UK
Finally managed to go for a ride - 10mile round trip for sunday lunch. A few wobbles, but we're both getting the hang of it. Although I don't really notice the motor kicking in that much, I certainly do when it stops helping at 15.5mph. Riding home after beer with lunch was no worse so that's an extra win! Although we've both tandem'd before, I still need to work on more communication, and we need to practise starting a bit more. with both bottom brackets having free-wheels we can get out of sync but stoker just coasts until we're together again.

It's funny you mention "communication". Not suggesting this is you or anything but it just occurred to me that couples should get a tandem because each accused the other of not communicating well, so a tandem could put a couple on the right path!

Funny how these threads go into all sorts of tangents. But I don't want to hijack it, as you were! Back on topic....
We did buy a Moustache etandem in October 2023.
Soo Glad we did, what a difference from our much love fat bike tandem.
The different routes we can now enjoy(up hills and down dales) is amazing.
Anyone thinking that etandems(e-bikes) are cheating, your very wrong…
The way it changes your mind set,routes,hills and most of all enjoyment is amazing.
Our new Etandem is 33kg + me 94kg + wife 60kg so pedalling 187kg around up hills is handy with a bit of E-assist.
We still get out of breath, we still exert ourselves, but most of all,we cycle further and enjoy our rides much more.
We can highly recommend Etandem riding😁
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Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
@ghawks100 that's good to know, I may be going down the e-tandem route myself.
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