Eroica 2016 - some thoughts

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Keeping the Carlton and Sun names alive...
Plymouth, Devon
OK then here we go, some thoughts about the event.

On the whole the even left me feeling pretty positive, great people, attracts and bikes. The ride its self was well marshalled and signposted. Feed stations were OK, Biggin was a little too congested and took too long for riders to get food, fuel up and get on, bodies were standing around for a long while, cooling down sos to speak. Food was OK, the hot and cold food queue should have been segregated to make it quicker. Food was OK, although some complained it was no where go as last year. Chatsworth ash could have been a little more fulfilling!

The ride itself was easy in places, hard in others and very, very challenging in places. The road climbs were fine, I walked a couple to take some images and generally get my breath back... I tried to get all of them and quickly adopted a slower, more considered 'attack' as the race went on. Plenty of people around to help if any trouble, I saw a lot of punctures by the road side, fortunately the Flyer on new Schwalbe Actives was bullet proof. I helped one guy who had all the kit, but no pump!! A could hear a lot go bikes with poorly maintained running gear, creaking and groaning as they went along, simple basic maintenance would have helped a lot i.e. get the oil out!!

Descents were tricky, rough gravel, ballast and ruts meant you had to keep your distance and pick the best line. Brakes and forks were tested to the limited on some. Notable descents were just before Biggin and also the long drop down to the second feed station, which was very steep and had a loose gravel, grit and dark mud texture on top. It was dark and hairy to say the least, one guy came through shouting "On your right, can't stop!" Hands were aching at the bottom for all, the food here was good with hot coffee and tea... Next year If I go again, I'd take the 1975 Corsa or Criterium, the brakes, even on these, are better than the Flyer and they feel more robust. I should add the four tunnels were fine, dark (as they are) but OK, the second one had a choir at the end of it, people along the route were warm and appreciative!

The High Peak trail was stunning, loose gravel but level, you could get up a fair lick along these and able to pass with care, slower riders - "On your right" was heard a lot. I enjoyed the long winding descent from this part, the scenery is out of this world - real Derbyshire Dales!

By the time I reached Chatsworth I was tired but knew we were on the home leg! The two final climbs were rough on the legs, I would walk a bit of the last one, stopped to talk to a guy doing the route on an Osgeared bike - his words about the 4 speed gear - "Awful!!". The final bit of trail near the show ground was very steep and very loose on its surface, we all walked this one. Then by now you could hear the sounds of the show distinctly, it was a magnet drawing you closer and closer, knowing the finish line was minutes away. Once back into Bakewell we came in the back way by the fairground and paraded along the final hard surface drive to the show ground ring, the crowds were fantastic, wanting to touch you hand as you went by, I felt immensely proud that both rider and machine had made it. Back to the show ground ring to meet Zahra and a well deserved drink!!

My overall impression - ride great, superbly administered and organised. Camping good, facilities good, although walking distance to van was unacceptable. Show good, some of the jumble was very expensive - Eroica prices?? Food only tried some chips (we took loads of our own) - expensive, although varied. Beer tents - great, great ales on by Thornbridge Brewery, I can recommend the Jaipur! Overall the emphasis is on the family and in my view a little commercialised in places. Dealing and planning with the British summer i.e. rain!! - could be better...

My overall rating for the event is 7/10!
Good report, well done on finishing - you and the flyer!


Keeping the Carlton and Sun names alive...
Plymouth, Devon
Back in the showring...



Keeping the Carlton and Sun names alive...
Plymouth, Devon
Whilst at Bakewell I was able to collect my next project from a mate who was able to get the bike for me after my win on Ebay, its a 1955 Carlton Corinthian, needs a lot of work, but I just like the look of how this thing hangs together. I'll start a new thread on this soon. This one can then sit alongside my 1963 Catalina, still in the workshop...



Itching to get back on my bike's
Whilst at Bakewell I was able to collect my next project from a mate who was able to get the bike for me after my win on Ebay, its a 1955 Carlton Corinthian, needs a lot of work, but I just like the look of how this thing hangs together. I'll start a new thread on this soon. This one can then sit alongside my 1963 Catalina, still in the workshop...


@Spokesmann well done on finishing and a big well done re the Corinthian


Senior Member
Great if somewhat damp weekend! Met so many Carlton friends from facebook, along with many good like minded souls. The Criterium performed faultlessly throughout and I managed a few climbs more than I expected. Now for deep cleaning this weekend but not until I ride it to work the rest of the week


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It was my first Eroica, and I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Even the brief walk-of-shame!

I reckon it's true that hills are in your head as much as your legs: It felt like the steepest climb on the long route was one up a tiny narrow residential street where the whole village had come out to support, and there was absolutely no way I was walking up that one.

After the second food stop, there was a long period up on the tops where there were just two of us with no-one else in sight and a mist covering the horizon, which made it feel all the more heroic. That said, it was nice, once the routes merged to have some company.

One poor chap's rear rim collapsed on the long descent through the woods to High Peak Junction. I guess he was lucky it was the rear, and I wonder if he managed to find a replacement.

When do next year's entries open? :smile:



Yes he did. The wheel did not collapse. well it did, but the rim overheated - blowing the tube - which blew the tyre off the rim - bending the braking area out - locking the wheel - sliding sideways then it more bent in half than collapsed. I managed to stay upright throughout, then had a very pleasant walk down the hill with a nice couple on a tandem to chat to.

The mechanics had a 27" So I could finish the ride.

2016-06-19 13.41.20.jpg


Legendary Member
Yes he did. The wheel did not collapse. well it did, but the rim overheated - blowing the tube - which blew the tyre off the rim - bending the braking area out - locking the wheel - sliding sideways then it more bent in half than collapsed. I managed to stay upright throughout, then had a very pleasant walk down the hill with a nice couple on a tandem to chat to.

The mechanics had a 27" So I could finish the ride.

View attachment 132683
Yes he did. The wheel did not collapse. well it did, but the rim overheated - blowing the tube - which blew the tyre off the rim - bending the braking area out - locking the wheel - sliding sideways then it more bent in half than collapsed. I managed to stay upright throughout, then had a very pleasant walk down the hill with a nice couple on a tandem to chat to.

The mechanics had a 27" So I could finish the ride.
View attachment 132683

Glad you got back safely and finished the ride. I was about a hundred yards behind you when it went and it was certainly an impressive bang!


Yes he did. The wheel did not collapse. well it did, but the rim overheated - blowing the tube - which blew the tyre off the rim - bending the braking area out - locking the wheel - sliding sideways then it more bent in half than collapsed. I managed to stay upright throughout, then had a very pleasant walk down the hill with a nice couple on a tandem to chat to.

The mechanics had a 27" So I could finish the ride.

View attachment 132683

The power of first gen Dura Ace, black ones brake harder :smile: glad you survived. Looking good everyone...



Great write up Mike. Paula and I had a great weekend too. She even stayed to help marshal in Biggin, no phone signal to pick me up after anyway and she does love chaos! Sorry we never got to catch up after the ride, tell Zahra Paula says hi and sorry for not catching up during or after the ride. Well done too, glad you picked up the bike from your mate. We will go next year assuming the wellies are dried out! Great to meet you both. Take care, Gerry and Paula and Boo!
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