Exertion migraine

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Arsen Gere

Über Member
North East, UK
Talk to your doctor.

Having said that I've had head aches over the years due to neck problems, the cold - wear a hat under your helmet, over exersion - like the dull type you get from coughing to much, lack of food on longer trips.

But seriously. Talk to your doctor first and rule out anything nasty.


Über Member
I get that too and I have never found a cure for it, although, I make sure that I drink plenty and sometimes that works.

I also find that the body gets used to an amount of exertion and migraines stop at that point but when you push it a bit more I find that migraines come back :sad:


Über Member
I'm never quite sure what the official definition of migraine is, but for what it's worth every now and again I get nasty sick headaches that always start with a small 'twinkling light' warning in my peripheral vision, like a little arc of rainbow. The arc grows and grows until it fills my vision and I end up with a stinking headache and nausea. I've had these a few times when cycling, particularly in very cold weather. (It's one of the reasons I don't wear a helmet any more as wearing one seemed to trigger this process <ducks>.) But if I see even the tiniest warning light beginning and I take two ibuprofen, it usually stops the process completely, so I always carry ibuprofen with me. I have to be strict about stopping at once and taking the tablets with a mouthful of food though.

That is a pretty good definition of a migraine. Unfortunately, ibrufen does nothing for me but the neurologist prescribed Maxalt rizatriptan a few years ago and that works about 80% of the times.
gary in derby

gary in derby

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, will see the docs (at some point) but have drpped the intensity (slowed down a bit) and ive not had one for a while, though hills are a worry.
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