Extraordinary names...

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...a shame the UK's best one died with its owner in WWI. Check his name:

Léone Sextus Denys Oswolf Fraudati-filius Tollemache-Tollemache de Orellana Plantagenet Tollemache-Tollemache


He was a Captain in the Leicestershire Regiment, who died on 20 February 1917.
Anyone else know of any other extraordinary names?


Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
There was a Liverpool supporter that gave the names of the first team 11 to one of his children. I don't know when this was but a good few years ago IIRC!!!!!!!!
Keith Oates said:
There was a Liverpool supporter that gave the names of the first team 11 to one of his children. I don't know when this was but a good few years ago IIRC!!!!!!!!

That would be quite a contrast to a similar exercise performed today...coupled, perhaps, with the vogue for 'twin' surnames/ family names... ;)

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Melvil said:
...a shame the UK's best one died with its owner in WWI. Check his name:

Léone Sextus Denys Oswolf Fraudati-filius Tollemache-Tollemache de Orellana Plantagenet Tollemache-Tollemache


Or Len to his mates...
Surely you remember Tarquin P'tang P'tang Ole Biscuit-Barrel?

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
spesh;38424][QUOTE=Fab Foodie;38399][QUOTE=Melvil said:
...a shame the UK's best one died with its owner in WWI. Check his name:

Léone Sextus Denys Oswolf Fraudati-filius Tollemache-Tollemache de Orellana Plantagenet Tollemache-Tollemache


Or Len to his mates...
Surely you remember Tarquin P'tang P'tang Ole Biscuit-Barrel?

Tarquin Fin-tim-lim-bim-lim-bin- bim-bin-bim bus stop F'tang F'tang Olé Biscuitbarrel (Silly Party)


Why is it that nobody remembers the name of Johann Gambolputty... de von
gumberaber-shonedanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm?

That was the fellow! Thanks Spesh.
Didn't recall the Johann chap though!
Well, it's slightly OT but I was fascinated to learn about a couple of names - they originally (for me) came to light as two dance troupes in the early 80's (:biggrin:)
One was boys and the other girls...The Featherstonehaughs and the Cholmondeleys - pronounced "Fanshawes" and "Chumleys".

On writing this, I googled - as you do - and, ye gods! uncovered their site AND their young dancers called the Marjoribanks and the Colquhouns or the "Marchbanks" and "Cahoons".

Is Colnago really pronounced "Kona"? ;)


Oh, must be..
Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Ole'Biscuitbarrel ;)

Courtesy of Monty Python of course....:biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Aperitif said:
Is Colnago really pronounced "Kona"? :biggrin:

No, it's pronounced "expensive."

Hope this helps. ;)

More from Python: :biggrin:
Fab Foodie;38428][QUOTE=spesh;38424][QUOTE=Fab Foodie;38399][QUOTE=Melvil said:
...a shame the UK's best one died with its owner in WWI. Check his name:

Léone Sextus Denys Oswolf Fraudati-filius Tollemache-Tollemache de Orellana Plantagenet Tollemache-Tollemache


Or Len to his mates...
Surely you remember Tarquin P'tang P'tang Ole Biscuit-Barrel?

Tarquin Fin-tim-lim-bim-lim-bin- bim-bin-bim bus stop F'tang F'tang Olé Biscuitbarrel (Silly Party)


Why is it that nobody remembers the name of Johann Gambolputty... de von
gumberaber-shonedanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm?

That was the fellow! Thanks Spesh.
Didn't recall the Johann chap though![/QUOTE]

I knew there was something about a biscuit barrel in there! LOL :biggrin:
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