Favourite junction?

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"Young and Ex-whippet"
Inspired by something that someone else said, do you have a favourite junction on your commute that you love to use and why?
Is it always empty? Does it have a nice bend in it? Are people always courteous at it (rare)?

I dont turn many junctions on my commute as it is mostly on the shared use coastal path. However, my all time favourite junction would have to be this. When the weather is nice and the roads are quiet, I can use this roundabout and go around it at about 20mph (pending weather). There is a Strava segment over the bypass opposite the road I enter from which I would love to do this summer.


Cycle Camera TV
I do quite enjoy hyde park corner.

Black Country Ste

Senior Member
My commute is short and uninteresting but for a couple of junctions that wind me up.

Riding back from the parents takes me to Five Ways roundabout, which is really fun on a bike. It was apparently listed in a top ten scariest junctions survey alongside Hanger Lane. Also while not technically a junction, I love belting down the Middleway and getting across two lanes to go through the Belgrave Interchange underpass.


Eat, sleep, ride, repeat.
Most of mine are horrid- esp the ones that find me slowing to a stop down a hill- however yes I have 2 favourite RAB's that I love to zip through, they have acres of visibility at the bottom of hills and can just roll in and roll out (on dry days!)


Legendary Member
one like this



Changed hemispheres!
my favourite junction is one where I don't have priority and is on my way home. It is a crossroads with a zebra crossing, where I am coming off a minor country lane and turning right onto a slightly bigger road. 9 times out of 10 car drivers ( and white van drivers) stop and let me out knowing I am turning right and quite frequently I don't even have to stop for that junction.

There is also a mini roundabout that I turn left at which has a bottleneck just before the approach, and I have found that if I stick my left arm out really early (way too early IMO) cars don't try to overtake me and wait. Normally the roundabout is clear and I don't have to slow down. In dry weather this is really good fun because the tarmac is spot of for grip with no ridges/bumps/potholes etc for 1 line which just so happens to be the right line for taking the bend at speed, having not slowed down, not steering just leaning, whilst still indicating left and sailing around the corner.... great fun (OK I need to get out more!)


Active Member
I like the junction at Stockwell tube station in (London). its very bike friendly (IMHO) and the lanes are so well clearly segregated.


Marie Attoinette Fan
The junction of my flat car park and the main road is my favourite ;)


Will there be a series of these? ^_^

A few suggestions:
Rarely used roundabouts.
Road bridges of distinction.
Beautiful bypasses.
Luxurious lay-bys.
A1 A-roads.
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