Firefox add-on claims that at every visit I make to CC, the site informs several other sites....

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Evidence based cyclist
I never thought you were passing on personal or CC account details.

Passing on the IP address is enough for site such as google or other sites to track a person's browsing. If you pass my IP address to them and then I go to the BBC, Chain Reaction, etc and they do the same then google can create a profile of my Internet browsing which they can use to sell advertising, etc..... huge profits are made with IP tracking.... That is the only problem that I have with it. Lots of websites pass on this information so it's hard to prevent this practice. However, it's rather disappointing that CC does it too, I'd like to think we are a friendly community looking out for each other - I guess that is not really the case.

It was on the news this week that Twitter has sold every single tweet ever written.....

Did you even read Shaun's post? Nothing is passed to any site, unless you click the Twitter or Facebook buttons.


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex

You clearly have an agenda here. Shaun has given you a clear reply, which you seem to be ignoring in favour of criticizing the actions you imagine he is taking. If you distrust CC and Shaun so much, then you can presumably stop any possible abuse by simply not visiting CC.


Über Member
Somebody is trying to earn some brownie points here :laugh:

If Shaun feels I have a problem then please PM me.

Paul J

If the site didn't earn even a little from Google etc then the site may not exist and or be free for most of us. I don't have a problem with this as costs soon mount up and bills need paying. This is a small sacrifice to pay for such an excellent forum and if I could afford to upgrade my membership I would, but being unemployed and living off my savings my family comes first.


You're free to chose what sites/services you visit and in the case of Google Ads on CC they are only shown to guests. If you login when you visit CC (and tick the little box to stay logged in) then the ad-tracking code isn't loaded.

If you don't want anyone to track your IP address there are ways to anonymise yourself, but I won't suggest Googling for details ... ^_^


Somerset UK
Ultimately if you want to stay private then don't have an internet connection. Go to the library or an internet café to use it.

Some degree of being tracked online is a fact of life now, I don't think much of it either but put up with it. Commercial organisations shared infomation about us long before the web.


Über Member
You're free to chose what sites/services you visit and in the case of Google Ads on CC they are only shown to guests. If you login when you visit CC (and tick the little box to stay logged in) then the ad-tracking code isn't loaded.

If you don't want anyone to track your IP address there are ways to anonymise yourself, but I won't suggest Googling for details ... ^_^

Good to see a relaxed post about the whole thing while other are having a diarrhoea attack :laugh:

Good tip about staying logged in. I think I know what you mean about ways of staying anonymous - as far as I know there's nothing illegal about the way I know but since I'm not 100% sure I will not name the method :smile:.... having said that, it can be a pain in the a**

Paul J

I looked at the site not logged in and saw adverts with FF but not IE9 :wacko:


Pay for a VPN. Small cost per month. It doesn't give 100% anonymity, nothing does, if you're using a PC/laptop from home, or your phone but, it's the closest you're going to get regards privacy.

You can also use proxy sites but, sometimes, you cannot log-in to accounts on certain sites, such as CC, without changing your cookie settings.


Über Member
Pay for a VPN. Small cost per month. It doesn't give 100% anonymity, nothing does, if you're using a PC/laptop from home, or your phone but, it's the closest you're going to get regards privacy.

You can also use proxy sites but, sometimes, you cannot log-in to accounts on certain sites, such as CC, without changing your cookie settings.

Thanks for that..... it's not such a big deal really. I just wish I could block all advertising :smile:
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