From 16 to 76. Freddie Grub to Triad Tracer.

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Well-Known Member
I was 16 when I built my last bike using a Freddie Grub frame & various other well known components (or they were then) Weinmann? brakes Fiamme? rims, that's about all that has stuck in my mind apart from starting out with gears & ending up fixed gear. The intervening years have been filled with many forms of motorised transport, from mopeds motor bikes cars boats & now finally, back to a self powered transportation method, a Triad (USA) or Theraplay (UK) Tracer. The bike is classed as a motabillity aid. The reason for buying it, my knees since my mid 20's have gradually detriorated over the years where now I'm faced with knee replacement on at least one of them. The bike I would say in cycling terms is a delta semi recumbent, with no gears, & a free wheel. I almost bought a KMX recumbent trike, but saw this one first & head ruled heart. My intention is to add at least 6 gears, quick release rear wheels (the front already has one), this is to enable me to store it in my car & still leave some passenger space. I have put a load of pictures on Flickr but can't provide a link until I've proved I'm not a machine. All suggestions / comments welcomed & considered.

Mrs M

Hello :welcome:
Just saw your trike on another thread :becool:
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