100 lux from my B&M IQ-X. Previously I used a Lidl cheapo, which was also STVZO-compliant, but didn't illuminate as much of the road. I like being on a dynamo now too (well, one of the bikes anyway).
If money was no object I'd like a Supernova M99 (dynamo version). That gives 200 lux whether in dipper or full beam, but sadly costs nearly £400. I thought £90 for the IQ-X was steep!
Where the light is mounted is a key point. I like the fork mount for most road uses although supplementary head torch can be useful in pitch black when looking for signs and off road. Handlebar mounts are a compromise and have to be carefully angled away from other users.
Even with a correctly adjusted light, the aim 'wobbles' over bumps. Just ride towards a reflective road sign at night and you can see how much wobble there is.
Trigonometry suggests the lower the light (and hence the shallower the angle to the road), the worse this wobble will be for dazzling people riding/driving/walking towards you.
Which is why I'm considering moving mine from fork to handlebars. I'm just not convinced there's enough space for light, bell, garmin, cafe lock and hands too.
Maybe I just need to tighten up my fork mounting a bit more.