Fussy eaters !

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Will1985 said:
He'd go hungry here...don't have any of that stuff :smile:
I agree with Arch - bad parenting. If he were at my prep school, he would have never left the dining room as we had to eat what was on our plates! Healthy it was too...

As I say though, if someone really doesn't like something, forcing them to eat it is bullying. I suspect though, we'd mostly be able to suss the difference between really not liking something, and mere fussiness.

The only concession I remember from when I was a kid of 7 or 8 was curry. We had a curry type sauce over hard boiled eggs with rice, and my sister, 5 years younger than me had rice, hard boiled egg, carrot sticks and a few raisins, as curry was a bit strong for her.

I never used to like raisins, at all, and then gradually I would eat them in cakes or scones (or choc coated!). Last weekend I went out for a ride, and looking for a sugar boosting snack, grabbed some raisins leftover from baking. Probably the first time I've eaten raisins on their own, and almost enjoyed it... I'm getting there.


Smutmaster General
This is a real annoyance when your kids have friends round...
Basically, i serve up whatever's going for the family, and if they don't like it, lump it. Mrs F occasionally caters for indivuidual tastes, but not me, matey boy!
I will, however, cater for veggies (i.e. cook a meat meal and a veggy meal) as my two eldest kids (16 and 12) are veggie, and take an interest in eating properly.
But we've had visiting kids who (for example) only eat pasta with grated bland mild freaking cheddar, or who "don't eat vegetables, and my mum doesn't make me" and one who asked what they were when presented with some boiled spuds.
I really don't get it, as pretty much all the parents are the same age as me, and presumably had the same "eat it or go hungry" upbringing as me... :smile:


I was never forced to eat anything by my parents, but equally, alternatives were not offered. I think that gets you into the habit of trying different foods at an early age, which can only be a good thing.


I too had a "eat whats on the plate or go hungry" type upbringing - I was fussy for a while but I got over it. The other factor was Mum would dish up dinner for us three brothers and leave some seconds in the kitchen. There was only ever enough for one or two of us. If you wanted seconds, you had to have cleared your plate first - so if you want to get the the extra sausages before their all gone, we get on a eat the vegetables!

My 3rd old is a little too fussy for my liking - but he only gets pudding and/or between meals snacks/biscuits if he eats everything (or makes a good enough an attempt at it). Hopefully he'll get better as time goes on.


Smutmaster General
I was an "I'll try anything" kid when it came to food... everything except peas or raw celery. Now I'll happily eat the peas, but still not keen on celery. But my mum used to to cook stuff for just me and her which the rest of the family wouldn't try e.g. pig's trotters, mushrooms in milk with butter and pepper, all sorts of lovely grub!


Legendary Member
I was a fussy eater but have gradually grown out of it. Some things I still just can't eat are the things that are supposed to be good for you. I just find brocoli or similar so bitter that I just can't eat it.


nothing in moderation
there's lots of stuff i won't eat, i consider myself a 5-a-day sceptic…

pretty healthy regardless, must be the cycling ;)


New Member
My boys have been totally nightmare fussy eaters as kids. Now they are reaching the end of the teenage years I think we might be seeing a breakthrough.
Moments have note have been the three hour long hamburger argument with the eldest while at MIL's house. He hamster cheeked a piece of his hamburger for three hours and would not swallow it. He was 8.
I once dared to serve up jacket potato and tuna. The youngest had the tiniest morsel of tuna on the end of his tongue and screamed and retched. He was about 6.
It wasn't helped by their Dad offering toast at the end of meals if they were hungry.


Über Member
Oxford, England
I think I eat pretty much anything that would be classed as "vegetarian", with one exception - bananas! Horrible, smelly things... ;)

I do eat meat now (but was veggie for 17 years...), but no offal and only meat that is recognisably meat (i.e. not horrible processed stuff). My girlfriend is trying to get me to like fish, am still not convinced, though some pan-fried sea bass she had the other day I thought was actually quite nice


Über Member
Oxford, England
tyred said:
I was a fussy eater but have gradually grown out of it. Some things I still just can't eat are the things that are supposed to be good for you. I just find brocoli or similar so bitter that I just can't eat it.

Broccoli is my favorite vegetable... Well, maybe after asparagus anyway


Smutmaster General
oxford_guy said:
My girlfriend is trying to get me to like fish, am still not convinced, though some pan-fried sea bass she had the other day I thought was actually quite nice
I thoroughly recommend fish. All types of fish. The fishier the better. Best fish I ever had was grilled sardines (about 8 ins long, so technically a pilchard) freshly caught, on a Portuguese beach. Yum ;)
And tuna steaks... yummm! :hello:


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Wigsie said:
I was always told to eat up or wait till next meal and I do that with my two boys. The eldest used to be fussy untill he was around 5, now he will try most things at least once and decide whether he likes it, the youngest is almost 3 and whether he will try something new or not is very mood dependant.

But we will break him! ha ha

Yep mine have always been brought up on you have whats on offer or go hungry. Our youngest however is a particually stubborn 5 year old and often it will depend on the day of the week as to whether she claims she likes something or not. She still has on her plate the same as everyone else and in time victory will be mine. ;)


the tank engine
dudi said:
I eat anything.
it's how i was brought up.

"that's what you're getting for dinner"
"I don't like green peppers"
"go hungry then"

seemed to work for me

+1. If I have kids I'll just let them try everything (well, make them ;)) and if I'm not a big fan of it, I won't bias their opinion by putting my nose up at it as a joke.

I know as a kid I didn't like eating a few things, but there were so few that my parents didn't force me to have them. I was also willing to try them again and started to like them. I think I fussed over school dinners actually, when I probably didn't need to. As a class we once all "started feeling ill" after one lunch and the school started panicking they had given us food poising :hello:.

I'll pass on the chicken nuggets - give me some proper food!

I can't stand fussy eaters and I will eat anything. Anyone else tried chicken bill (the red bit)? It's yummy!!
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