Garmin Edge 500/510

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Leisure Cyclist
I am looking to get one of these in next week. Do you think the 510 is worth the extra cost ? I had the 500 before and was happy with it so am leaning towards it. Also if anyone has a link to the best price delivered to Ireland , that would be good. I think its about 200 euro from CRC at moment but if I can find it better price much the better.


Well-Known Member
I had a 500, upgraded to a 510. Biggest improvement is the breadcrumb courses and directions - you get a static overhead view of the junction with the direction (Turn Left, etc) across the top. My 500 was laggy, and sometimes wouldn't draw the junction and direction until after I'd gone through it!

The 510 is much faster to get a lock, the livetrack is handy for the missus to see that I've not come a cropper, the display is easier to read, and it's more responsive as a unit. I'm happy I've upgraded, and wouldn't go back.
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