Giving up alcohol for 3 months...

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
...that's the plan. Tonight's the last alcohol util 1 April.
Why? Weight and money mostly. My weight is still creeping skywards, we drink too much Red every evening and we never manage to 'cut-down'. We should save a bit of cash too, and who knows, we might even feel better. We're not alcoholics, but we're ready consumers.
The other benefit is we should also save a bit of cash, something we also need to do.

I'm gonna miss red wine with food, and the taste of a good ale, but on the flip side, there may be other benefits.

Beware for some extra grumpiness!


Resting in suspended Animation
Wow, well I hope it works out.
I drank last night at home for the first time in 55 weeks after becoming ill in Dec 2008 and deciding enough was enough.

The only time I drink now is when I am on holiday because my job is important to me and I found alcohol running me down.I need to be able to concetrate for long periods and found alcohol disrupting my sleep and harming my health.

Im sure you can do it I did.Easier than I thought.

No booze till late March for me but only if I go on holiday abroad.

Also banned alcohol in the house,apart from a bottle of 1963 port which has been here just over ten years.

Kept to it,threw the rest of the Gin down the sink and am giving the litre of unopened vodka away...also threw out a can of special brew...or at least aim to....haven't done it yet I think.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Cheers all.
Hackbike, thanks for the insight. I've become certain that the effect of regular drinking (not heavy) does have an impact on my general functioning and that's what I'm interested in checking-out. Don't want to be teetotal, just need to reset my relationship with alcohol.


Cake connoisseur
Good luck Foodie, booze is one of those things that easily becomes a habit. If you're both stopping for while that makes it a bit easier than going it alone.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Baggy said:
Good luck Foodie, booze is one of those things that easily becomes a habit. If you're both stopping for while that makes it a bit easier than going it alone.
True. It was Mrs FF's idea, she tends to have all the good ones in our house, we'll climb the walls together.


I have got into a habit of drinking wine at home which, although I enjoy wine, is just that - a habit. Friday night, Saturday night - drink wine. Sometimes Thursday night if I am off work the following day or starting work late. Along with a few months off my bike and comfort eating this has led to my weight creeping up and up. :blush:

I was at a party tonight, and everyone but me was drinking. Well, I'm sure some of the children were also not drinking ;) I didn't even think about wanting a beer or a glass of wine. But as soon as I came home I poured myself a glass of white wine, and am sitting here drinking it.

I reckon it's time to break the habit for a wee while. :becool:

So as of Monday I'm going to try to join FF in a few months of abstinence and see how it goes.


Cake connoisseur
Well, good luck both of you. Wine is sneaky, 'cos even if you just feel like one small glass, once the bottle is open I always seem to end up drinking half of it.

For some reason I never really fancy beer in the week, probably just as well as it's definitely one of the things that quickly contributes to me being a porker.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Noodley said:
I have got into a habit of drinking wine at home which, although I enjoy wine, is just that - a habit. Friday night, Saturday night - drink wine. Sometimes Thursday night if I am off work the following day or starting work late. Along with a few months off my bike and comfort eating this has led to my weight creeping up and up. :blush:

I was at a party tonight, and everyone but me was drinking. Well, I'm sure some of the children were also not drinking ;) I didn't even think about wanting a beer or a glass of wine. But as soon as I came home I poured myself a glass of white wine, and am sitting here drinking it.

I reckon it's time to break the habit for a wee while. :becool:

So as of Monday I'm going to try to join FF in a few months of abstinence and see how it goes.

Brilliant Noodley, I was jokingly going to suggest joining us :thumbsup::thumbsup:

We're the same here, we don't drink out much, don't party much and are very very rarely drunk (OK last night was an exception). But red wine, the occasional G&T, Scotch has become every day, even weekend lunchtimes are accompanied by a glass of wine or when we're cooking together etc.

Best of luck friend :blush:


Fab Foodie said:
Brilliant Noodley, I was jokingly going to suggest joining us :blush::thumbsup:

Best of luck friend ;)

I'll drink to that! :becool:

Okay, that's me on board. As of Monday no alcohol for 3 months.
Fab Foodie said:
Cheers all.
Hackbike, thanks for the insight. I've become certain that the effect of regular drinking (not heavy) does have an impact on my general functioning and that's what I'm interested in checking-out. Don't want to be teetotal, just need to reset my relationship with alcohol.

I would say I was binge drinking...which was what I could do on my days off because I didn't really get a chance on our 7 day work patterns.

I think I have reset my relationship with alcohol now but I reckon it took a year to recover from it.Im just reaping the benefits now.;)
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