Glasgow Skyride

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Hello, is anyone doing the canal run today??

I was booked on it but am not feeling to great in amongst other things (a pathetic excuse, I know).

Oh well, roll on the big one in the middle of Glasgow next week! (I wonder how many laps I'll manage!).


Active Member
I,m booked on the skyride on the 22nd, if you want to meet up for a few circuits pm me. Any other CCers going on this?

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I'll be there with my Sister, she has started to cycle occasionally now and I have managed to talk her into it :becool:

I'm still trying to decide what bike to bring, my FELT TT bike, or my hack bike, Sir Squeaky Bike Of The Dump, which is a very cheap y - shaped thingy which doesn't go very quickly and ....err ....squeaks!!
It does for going to the shops, but not much else.

Could I stand the ignimony of subjecting you all to it in all it's nedesque, squeaky glory, or should I go for my Felt which would be far TOO posh for the nature of the ride?? :blush:

I'll decide later on so that I can tell you and also what I'll be wearing.

Talking of which, how will I identify any of you lot??
I will be cycling in from Cambuslang early,do a circuit or 3, then meeting other half and me boy to have a look round Glasgow Green. They getting train. To what I will be wearing will have to check on weather in morning. Also will decide whether to take off the mudguards first from the Boardman. Looks like it might be a rain free ride.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Hadn't meant anything by the train bit (deleted now anyway) - it's just I thought it was all a bit pointless driving from where I am to where we will be going, but then again, I don't drive anyway, so to me a car is poinless half the time anyway! :biggrin:

Annyway, back on topic, I have decided to take the Felt, and as such, I will be wearing my black clipless shoes, black trackie bottoms, probably my least conspicuous black cycling top (although I might wear something else to look a bit more normal) and my black, green and white Rudy Project helmet.

I think we are trying to get to Partick for 9.30 and then cycle along, so, erm, where to meet??

It's at times like this that I wish I'd got myself a Cycle Chat jumper ....oh oh, I know, I will wear my yellow London Olympics t - shirt with the large graphic of a cyclist on the front. I'll try and find a picture of it.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Curiously I couldn't find a picture of the t - shirt on the website, but anyway, it's yellow with a large graphic of a road cyclist on the front. I'll be wearing that with the aforementioned garb on a black and yellow Felt TT bike, complete with the daft looking 'superman' handlebars, so I shouldn't be to hard to spot (although I wont have the pointy helmet, that would just be a bit TOO daft! :laugh: ).

I have short blondish hair, am youngish and a skinny wretch, whereas my sister has dark brown hair and isn't a skinny wretch!

At 9.30 we'll be heading towards Glasgow Green, not away, so if you wait at Glasgow Green for long enough, then.....

From all of that info, the snipers will have enough to go on :rolleyes:

See you all tomorrow, and if you don't see me or choose to avoid me for some reason or another, then, hello anyway.
Will have Boardman Team bike with no mudguards,might be taking a chance here. Southend United Windproof jacket, blue is the colour for those who dont know. Blue shorts black trainers. Nearly 50 with grey hair and I will be lantern rouge. Hope to see you.


Senior Member
That was a good day out....did 5 laps in the end.

The only thing is it was quite boring as a route for me, as it's my daily commute home!

The kids who have no sense of spacial awareness made it 'interesting' at times. :wacko:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Ok, own up, who was it riding the recumbant? Seriously though, I saw someone who looked like you Fokker, but couldn't stop and turn round at the time.
To be honest with you, I thought I'd be easy to spot consideringI must have been the only person there on a TT bike, but obviously not. I think the fact that I was wearing yellow didn't exactly help either! :biggrin: :rolleyes:

After a while I lost count of how many times I went round, but it was close to 10, that much I do know.

Another vaguely interesting thing was when I found out that I could use a boy (of about 10 or 11) on a road bike to pace me. We seemed to be doing the same speed (i.e. about twice as fast as anyone else. He was dodging in and out of other riders, and I just followed him through the gaps), so I chased him and he chased me for several laps.

I'm no better than a 10 year old, it's official! :hello:

Oh and I did make a rather dodgy pass at one point where I went through a tight gap and startled one of the riders (a woman). If that were you, sorry.
I was looking out for your bike but never see it. I had one of them bibs on so looked like everyone else. Had a little boy crash into me at the lights down by the Squinty bridge but no damage to the bike. Too many people around to go to fast, alot of wobbley kids not being able to cycle straight but at end of day it was not a race but a fun ride. My lowest average speed ride for ages too. Still I would do it all again.


Senior Member
I was looking out for your bike all day Doug, but couldn't spot you.

The irony is, we probably passed each other at least 3 or 4 times. :tongue:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I was looking out for your bike but never see it. I had one of them bibs on so looked like everyone else. Had a little boy crash into me at the lights down by the Squinty bridge but no damage to the bike. Too many people around to go to fast, alot of wobbley kids not being able to cycle straight but at end of day it was not a race but a fun ride. My lowest average speed ride for ages too. Still I would do it all again.

Yes that's why I chased people - by my reckoning, they would do all the hard work of find the gaps, and I would ride in their slipstream! :biggrin: :becool:
......with me hoping that the gap didn't suddenly close as I passed by.

I was looking out for your bike all day Doug, but couldn't spot you. The irony is, we probably passed each other at least 3 or 4 times. :tongue:

To be fair, when I was going around at first, the paded bits for my arms weren't on the bike (they came loose and were rattling around after a previous crash I'd had due to my clipless pedals :blush: , but I got them put back on properly at the Evans tent as well as getting them to give the bike a general check over whilst I was there), but hey, due to the amount of people, I wasn't in aero possition anyway. Had I been, I really WOULD have stuck out like a sore thumb!

What were you wearing?? like I said, I went round mainly with my yellow London 2012 t - shirt (with the road/track cycling graphic on the front) on over a black base layer with white stripes down the sleeves.

Also, I stopped at about 1ish to have a rest, take a look round the stands, get my bike seen to as already mentioned, and see Chris Hoy (he looks exactly as he does on the telly by the way :laugh: - I had also been part of the photoshoot earlier on where himself and Lorain Kelly suddenly appeared as if out of thin air, were cycling along in front of us, and we had to ride behind them after a short time gap, so I might be in one of the pictures somewhere, i.e. a dot).

After not getting Chis's autograph on my 2012 t - shirt (I thought it would have been nice since it represented the events he'd be doing, especially if he won gold, but they were being really arsey about it and only let a limited number of people to see him. There were a lot of unimpressed people there, I can tell you!), I did some more laps but was starting to get really knackered (that head wind going west didn't help in the slightest, did it?) and the last ride I did was just as they were finishing up and kept on getting told by the stewards to be careful as the cars would be using the road soon (yes, it's called riding on the road normally!).
After that I beetled off to the station at Exhibition centre to get the train home and met a guy and his daughter who had dressed up for it. He was dressed up as a red indian and had 'dressed' his bike up as a horse (seriously), and the daughter just had her bike covered in tinsel, which was nice.

Tell you what though, I did have a lot of admiring looks and comments about my bike - someone even offered to buy it, but unfortunately it was a joke and were only offering £50 for it (yeah mate, add another zero on and I might consider it!), so many people DID notice it, so there!! :tongue: :biggrin:
Did you see the bike with a 2 seater sofa on the front of it? Missus said she would like a bike like that so she could come out on rides with me
. I got there at 9am and I see Chris Hoy, actually he held me up walking along with his bike. Did ask him if he would like to swap bikes and he just laughed,good to shake his hand though and he wished me well.
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