Greetings from beautiful sunny warm North London

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Ok, well maybe it's not sunny or warm but is is beautiful. I'm allowed to be biased.

Hi all,

I've been lurking for a bit whilst deciding which type of bike etc to treat myself to. I run a fair bit and used to play football but recently broke my leg in a match and decided at the ripe old age of 30 that I don't want to be playing football against people looking to hurt me anymore!!

So I'll be commuting 24 miles each day (round trip) plus some more fun stuff at the weekends as well as aiming to join a club at some point too.

Probably going to get the Caad 8 (105) but looking at the BMC Streetracer too as it seems good value. Of course I'll try to adhere to the rules when I post pics of the bike next week.

Ok enough boring you but nice to be here and hope to meet some of you guys on the road in the not too distant future.


Biker Joe

Über Member
Hi and welcome.
Ripe old age of 30 eh?
Are you sure you're up to riding a bike?:wacko:

Just joking of course. Good luck finding your new bike and hope all your plans come to fruition.
Take care old man^_^
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